Chapter 126

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It was now Saturday, two days before the first day of school, Callie was sitting in the hotel talking to Toni, and Sweet Pea was in the bathroom trying to do Lottie's hair as Grady was brushing his teeth. 

"So, I had some of my guys look into a few options for school," Toni began. "But the only way for Grady to attend a school here is if he were taken off the roster at whatever school you have him enrolled in at Little Rhody, we don't want both states getting involved for Grady missing so much school."

"So, that means I will have to move back to Riverdale," Callie started slowly, Sweet Pea poked his head out of the bathroom, staring at the table. 

"Only for a few months," Toni said as grabbed Callie's hand. "I know of a few empty apartments in the same building as, Kev, Fangs, and I, there is even right across the hall from us."

"I can move back," Callie assured. "I just need to call Evita and let her know, then we can work on selling the home back in Rhode Island."

"Who knows maybe by the end you'll be staying here in Riverdale," Toni hoped as she put a hand on her belly.

"My dad would have wanted that," Callie smiled lightly. "What will I be teaching again?"

"Government," Toni answered. 

"I may have to already leave school for a bit," Callie said. "I was going to use the weekend to go back to Rhode Island and grab a few things."

"I can get them," Sweet Pea offered.

"No, it's alright," Callie said as they looked over at him. "You don't even know where I live, and I don't want to freak one of the vixens out from a strange man walking into the place." Lottie stepped out, she seemed annoyed, one pigtail was on top of her head, while the other pigtail was at the bottom of her head. "Lottie."

"Mommy," Lottie said looking up at her. "Fix it."


With some help from the others, they were able to swiftly move Callie and the kids into an apartment, right across the hall from Toni, Kev, and Fangs. It was now the night before the first day of school. Callie was at the table getting things together last minute, the kids were asleep.

"Are you sure you will be fine here by yourself?" Sweet Pea stated, he insisted on staying with them, but it didn't change the fact he was on the couch. 

"I will be fine," Callie assured. "You have work."

"And what about the kids?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Until Grady is able to be enrolled fully, he and Lottie will be with Ms. Smith," Callie answered. "Or even Cheryl."

"Cheryl?" Sweet Pea repeated.

"Yes," Callie nodded. 

"She hasn't been seen in town for years," Sweet Pea argued.

"Sweet Pea," Callie huffed looking at him. "You haven't been around for 7 years, you don't get to just appear and start making the shots."

"I didn't know about Grady till now," Sweet Pea argued.

"That's not the point," Callie argued. "Once Grady starts liking then you can make big calls on this matter, but for now it's a no."

"Is it that Grady doesn't like me or you don't trust me with those two and the decisions I will make for those two?" Sweet Pea asked. Callie glared at him. "So, you don't trust me, is that it?"

"I trust you," Callie said softly.

"Then why won't you let me have a say on who watches Grady and Lottie? Why can't I go to your house in Rhode Island?" Sweet Pea asked.

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