chapter: 1

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There it was again, that pressure within her brain making her mind go hazy and blank with unclear thoughts. The sensation pulsed against the confines of her mind and tried its best to push its way through... it was exactly like her mother had described it as so many years ago.

The fortress of her brain had been something she had trained her whole life to keep locked away from prying prospects, and yet here she was avoiding sleep as if it were the bane of her existence.

It was because she knew what would happen next; she knew there was an unavoidable destiny awaiting her the second she fell into the stillness of her dreams. A destiny that anybody in their right mind would try to fight.

She couldn't go through with it. She had seen, heard, and experienced enough to know this wasn't something she saw in her future.

Time was ticking for her, and yet that was the most peaceful thing awaiting her in such a fearsome journey. A little while longer was all she needed... a little longer before nature ran its course.

"Orianna!" The sound of Wren's voice calling out to her snapped her from her all-consuming thoughts and brought her back to the real world.

"Yes, Wre-"

"Where were you!?!?" He interrupted before Orianna could finish her sentence. "My dad was asking about you at training. You know we have training everyday at the same time and you never miss it... are you sick or something?" He questioned worriedly, while stepping closer to her and placing his hand flat on her forehead.

"Stop it!" She commanded as she forcefully ripped his big hand away before he could get a read on her temperature. "I'm... I'm fine. I just haven't been getting much sleep, so I decided to take today off and rest up. No need to worry, father," she reassured, while rolling her eyes in annoyance at his overprotectiveness.

"Okay... just making sure. We can't have you getting sick, especially with my ceremony coming up. Get you some rest and I'll bring you up dinner once it's done," he smiled sweetly at her before turning on his heels and exiting the room before the second was up.

Again, she was left with nothing but her thoughts. The same thoughts that tried to make sense of the storm brewing within her brain, but it only seemed like the little control she had was slipping away.

She wasn't ready to say it aloud or in her own head for that matter, but she knew it couldn't be pushed to the side for much longer.

A mate.

A mate being the one word she had sworn a long time ago to never have to say. It was the thing that had plagued her life for so long; putting this dark cloud over her head as it were the shadow that trailed behind her.

Now it wasn't just mere hatred or thought that she pictured and winced in pain, no, it was now her reality. A reality she would soon have to face.


I'm sorry for this random, unfinished chapter, but this is when I told myself that I would "edit" this book... and why is it kinda good???

I wrote this like two years ago and I'm now wishing I would've gone through with the whole thing because this story has so much potential to be better... well the bar was already pretty low to begin with, so that's not saying much.

I just thought it'd be cool to upload it with the rest of the chapters just to give you a taste of what this story could've been if I tried hard enough. Unfortunately, I doubt this will ever get the makeover it deserves, so I hope y'all can enjoy the 2017-2018 version 😔🙏

Okok enough rambling, now we can FINALLY get into the actual book!

Dream, my little mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن