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He didn't answer for a while, then I heard a groan and the door abruptly opened and let's just say what I say next might've made me change my mind about mates. I was shocked.

The sweet aroma of him came wrapping around me as the door flew open and his beautiful body came into my view; water dripping from his body, muscles glowing, abs on display... my eyes were having a feast.

I took in as much of his half-naked body as I could, who knows if I would see anything like it ever again. I'm sure by now I was drooling and there was a pool of my awkwardness under me, but I didn't seem to care. It didn't seem important at this moment.

This voice inside my head kept telling me to touch something and I was actually thinking about it. And just as I was about to, Akai spoke and knocked me out of my lust induced coma.

"Orianna?" he called out teasingly. When I looked up he wore a small smirk on his sexy lips and his face held this pinch of amusement.

I could feel my cheeks starting to get red and on the inside I was freaking out. I had never wanted to eat another person so bad- he just looked too good to just be standing here in front of me just talking. For the first time in my life I actually was willing to touch a man, which was weird because I thought I'd never get feelings like those.

"Oh, yeah- um... sorry? I didn't know you were in the shower. I'll just leave you to finish-" my voice was shakey as I tried to get my words across correctly. I'm sure my cheeks turned even more red as I continued to make a fool out of myself.

"NO!" Akai interrupted me before I could even finish my sentence. His voice was strong and quite persuading, so I let my body choose what I was going to do, which was probably a bad decision, but you live and you learn.

Before I could even start moving, Akai grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room. I had never been in here, but I felt so warm and fuzzy all of a sudden. The steam from his shower that he had just taken still lingered in the room, adding to the mood.

I stood awkwardly by the door and Akai stood in front of me. I didn't know what to do with myself, well I did, but I wasn't willing to do any of that tonight.

"What did you come in here for?" He folded his arms across his still wet chest as he stared me dead in my eyes.

"Um- I was just checking up on you?" I looked at him as if he would give me the real reason as to why I really came. To be honest, I didn't even know myself.

"Ok?" He answered back the same way, squinting his eyes as he looked at me. "Sorry, for leaving you high and dry. I just haven't seen my sister in months and she's the person I'm the closest with, so I've been missing her a lot, so I didn't want to waste anymore time not spending time with her."

"Yeah, it's fine."

I leaned against the heavy door as one of our infamous silent moments took over Akai's room. We really needed to work on communication.

"Are you ever going to put on some clothes?" My voice was taut as I pointed my hands towards his body. It was making me uncomfortable to be standing in a room with him like this.

"Well, it's my room and I can do whatever I want, correct?" His voice was filled with amusement as he looked at me. He knew how he was making me feel and he probably liked having that power over me.

Dream, my little mateWhere stories live. Discover now