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Akai's POV

Waking the next day was a struggle. My heart nearly exploded when she leaned in to kiss me, but that explosion soon turned bad when she ran away. It was frustrating beyond belief to keep going back and forth with her, but I just kept hoping it was for the best and she would soon come around.

I didn't know what to say or do to change her mind and that's what killed me the most. I had always been able to talk my way in and out of things, it was just my personality, but the one person I needed it for the most my mind just went blank.

Knock, knock, knock

I groaned in response to the person knocking on my door. "Alpha, can I come in?" I groaned again, and Shea apparently thought that was me telling him to come.

He slowly opened my door and peaked his head in. "Can I come in?" I rolled my eyes at his stupid question.

"Well, you're basically already in, so you might as well." He nodded his head, then he stepped into my room.

I sat up a little and leaned against my headboard as I watched Shea walk in. "What's the pack been saying?" I grabbed a cup of water that had been sitting on my nightstand for a week now and took a big gulp. Shea grabbed a chair and sat it down on the side of my bed.

"You want the truth?" He looked me in the eye nervously. I knew my pack was saying disrespectful stuff behind my back, even though I was their alpha... it's what they did and I had expected it.

I hadn't planned on them meeting their Luna like that, but the secret was out now and there was nothing I could do about it. They had seen everything and I knew from the moment I stepped out of the door they were talking, but I wasn't going to stop it.

"Of course, I'm not a wuss. I can take some insults!" Shea nodded his head, then he took a deep breath.

"Well, you already know Ferrah is going crazy," I nodded my head, then he continued. "I overheard some members talking about going back to Willow Creek pack and bringing your mate back, so you would be happy." It was heart warming to know my pack cared about me that much, but I also didn't want to ruin the little chance I had with Orianna. I couldn't risk it.

"That's what more than half of the pack is planning, but the rest of the pack is totally against you. Some that are mated, talked about fighting you to get the Alpha position and the not as extreme ones just called you worthless and useless... you know, the usual." I fully sat up and thought about everything Shea had just told me.

I had expected a lot worse, so the situation wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. But, I still had to put some members back in their place, which wasn't a problem at all. I loved a good fight ever once in a while.

"Ok, that's it?" I got up and walked into my closet to grab some shorts to put on as Shea spoke.


"What else is happening?" I slipped on the grey shorts, then I stepped out of my closet and walked over to Shea.

"Samuel texted and said he wanted to set up a meeting." I chuckled a little at the thought of him really wanting to fix this.

"Really?" Shea nodded his head, then he pulled out his phone and showed me the text messages. I read them and I was shocked to see that he was telling the truth.

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