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I woke with a fright out of my sleep. There was sweat mixed with tears covering my face, my hair was lying messily on top of my head, and my body felt numb.

It all felt so real. I could feel the pain as I watched everything unfold in front of me. I could either stay on that course or change something to make my life better. I couldn't make that decision for myself right now because I was still startled and confused, but I would have to soon.

I had to control my ragged breath and calm down my nerves. It wasn't real... it was all just a dream.

The last real thing I remember is when we were at the dinner table, and Akai and his sister were arguing. I must've went up to my room and fell straight to sleep.

My brain could barely get over the fact that everything I just experienced was all from my imagination. The moon goddess found a way to get into your head and plant these crazy illusions for you. It would either make you want to run into your mates arms (which was the case most of the time) or just kill yourself. She made sure you knew what would happen if you tried to deny you and your mate of each other's love. She showed you the worst that could happen, so you would do any and everything to change that outcome

I was scared. I didn't want to leave Akai, especially if what happened in my dreams is going to happen for real. Maybe it was time to finally get over my fear to love. I had one life, so I needed to live it the way I wanted, not the way my mother would've. It was hard to face this fact, but it was the key to my happiness.

I had been blind this whole time, but my happiness had been right in front of me- standing there with vivid green eyes this whole time. He was my saving grace and it was time for him to save me.

I immediately got out of my bed and walked out of my room. I could barely even feel myself move as I made my way down to his room. He needed to know how I felt and he needed to know right at this moment. I just hope he didn't just get out of the shower.


I slowly knocked on his door; like in the dream he took a while to answer, but I knew he was going to open the door soon.

Like in the dream I heard a groan, then he opened the door; all his sexiness on display. I took in a deep breath, right now wasn't the time to be drooling over him.

"C-can I come in?" He didn't say anything else, but instead he just opened the door wider inviting me in.

"I need to talk to you. It's very important, so can you please put on your clothes so I can stay focused." He let a small cocky smile grow onto his face, then he walked over to his closest.

He quickly came back out fully clothed and sat down next to me. "What's the problem, Lupita." He grabbed my body and pulled me into his side. I relaxed in his hold and prepared myself for the spill of my life.

"It's about us." He stopped the rubbing on my hips. I let out a heavy sigh, then I unraveled myself from Akai's hold. I needed to face him, I needed to be able to see his beautiful eyes. "I had a dream last night," He looked confused as I spoke.

"But I didn't have one," he stated confused. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued with my story.

"It was just for me, but in the dream you told me that you loved me, then I ran away from you all the way back to my pack," the hand that left my leg a second ago was back and holding me tighter than before. He held me as if I was just going to stand up and run away from him. I could tell he wanted to say something from the look in his eyes, but he kept quiet. "In the dream, I had another dream-" I started, but Akai cut me off.

"So while you were sleeping; in your dream you had your dreams?" I nodded my head.

"And when I got close to you-" my voice cracked as I started to speak. Even though it was only a dream I could still feel the pain of it as if it happened in real life. "You slept with another woman... that Ferrah girl." I said the last part with so much disgust that even Akai flinched from the sheer hate in my voice.

He was beyond shocked as my words sat in. His eyes searched mine frantically trying to see if this was the truth, but I just nodded my head confirming his internal questions.

"Really? Did I say why?" He replied back worriedly.

"Yes, you wanted to get back at me for leaving you." The anger and disappointment on Akai's face made me feel like I had done something wrong.

"I would never! I'm faithful to you and only you. You know I could never do that to you!" He got up from the bed and kneeled in front of me like I was some type of goddess. He was the sweetest and most caring male I had ever met. I don't know how I didn't see myself with him before.

"Akai," I gently grabbed his face and his hands wrapped around my wrist. "You did nothing wrong... it's actually me who has been messing up constantly. I tried so hard to not love you because of my past, but you're worth fighting for. You're worth breaking a promise for and I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't see that before, so Akai, please forgive me and hopefully we can live happily together." There were tears in my eyes as my mini speech came to a close and the most surprising part was that Akai's eyes were swelling with salty tears too.

Those tears showed me that he cared and that he was willing to give us another chance. I could see myself falling in love with this man so easily and to be honest it still kinda scared me, but we all have to face our fears one day in our lives. Akai deserved better and I was going to give him matter how uncomfortable it made me.

"Akai?" He raised his face from being squished against my chest to look at me.

"Yes, Lupita?" It was time that I showed Akai that I was serious about our relationship. I wanted him to have more of me and I him.

"Mark me."


And we're ending this chapter on this cliffhanger type of thing. Oh, and I told you this chapter was going to be sooo much happier. And I bet you didn't see the dream thing coming, did you?

The moment you have all been waiting for (well a select few)... Akai's and Oreos marking scene!!!!!! Needless to say, the next chapter is probably going to get a little steamy, but this is not a mature book, so I put the chapter on private. If you choose to read it, then you'll just have to follow me to view it, and when you're done you can unfollow me if you want (I won't care).

Only do these steps if you followed me, but you still can't see the chapter!

Steps to read the STEAM SCENE~
1. Follow me
2. Take this book out of your library
3. Wait a second for good measure
4. Add it back

It should work after this if it didn't before, but if that doesn't work, then you can try logging out of your account then logging back in, and do steps 1-4. Sometimes it doesn't work, so if you follow these steps and these steps still don't work, then that's just the universe way of saying you don't need to read this. Ok? Ok.

Anywho, bye💓

Dream, my little mateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora