Author's note

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This book has been completed for MONTHS, yet after all this time I still feel the need to respond back to all the surprising comments I have gotten on this story in one place for the last time.

I never expected there to be so much hate towards Orianna in this story, but I get comments cursing her out, calling her stupid, threatening her every single day. If she were a real person she'd be scared to leave her house. Anyways, when I made this story I thought there would be a lot more understanding towards her decisions by the readers, but that's definitely not the case.

I felt the need to write this because I'm tired of seeing comments calling her all types of names, but you're not even trying to look at things from her perspective. Yes, I know the story is poorly written and one day I will rewrite it, but there should still be a clear understanding of why she does the things she does. I also feel like readers aren't even enjoying the story because they're so stuck on Orianna being a "dumb b*tch" or wanting to "slap the sh*t out of her" for not immediately running to Akai, which defeats the whole purpose of Wattpad and me writing this story.

Let me give you an example to help clear some things up; somebody in your family buys two different flavors of ice cream and offers it to you and your mom. Before choosing which one you want, your mom tells you that one of the flavors are nasty and that you shouldn't eat it. And I know after hearing that most people will listen to their mom, and stick with the flavor that their mom said was good. Most moms won't steer us in the wrong directions, and base their advice from THEIR experience. It might not always be right, but in their eyes it helps you out for the better.

Now think about that analogy, but in Orianna's situation....

It makes a lot more sense right?

I say all this to say, stop bashing Orianna for her actions and actually stop to think why she's doing what she's doing. Yes, she makes a lot of stupid decisions, but it's because she based it on what she was taught and seen. She's also very young and in the midst of trying to find herself, so she doesn't even know what things she likes and doesn't like yet, but with everything that has happened in her life it feels justified for her to feel this ways towards mates. You can't tell me you've never not been conflicted on which to choose in life; going against what everyone told you was bad or just listening to what the woman that birthed you said.

I want readers to have their own opinion, but it's really frustrating at times to see 5 out of the 1000+ people who commented on my story actually willing to understand her choices and why she made them. It's not like she woke up one day and said, "today I'm gonna hate my mate, and kill him because I just don't want to be with him for absolutely no reason," it's a lot deeper. When I rewrite this book I will make sure to add more details and try to establish the fact that Orianna is NOT stupid for the decision she makes for the readers.

I think that's all I have to say on this marvelous Monday. I truly just want you guys to stop for a minute before commenting hate towards Orianna and think about everything that drew her to those conclusions, please. I know I still will get hate, but hopefully this at least makes a few people stop and think.

I know this is all over the place and it's early, but I had to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening to my rant tho, and feel free to leave your thoughts about this topic here!

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