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I stood frozen in my spot as Akai stocked over to me. His steps were fast and precise, and his eyes stayed glued on me- I don't even think he blinked.

I felt my heart beat quicken as he got closer and closer to me; his scent becoming more unbearable as the space between us decreased.

"Anna? You're alright?" Mrs.Smith tapped my shoulder, trying to bring me out of the trance I was in.

My body couldn't even react to her touch, it was almost like everybody was nonexistent except for my mate. At that moment I couldn't find my voice. It was probably better that way because if I did I would definitely be screaming.

Before I knew it; Akai was standing right in front of me. Finally putting a face to the man I always saw in my dreams. He was more handsome than I could have ever thought, but I still didn't want this.

"Lupita?" His voice was so soft that I could barely hear him. His eyes sparkled as he stared at my face and body. "It's really you?" I was speechless, I didn't have anything to say to him at this moment.

"You're so beautiful!" He reached to grab my face, but Wren was quick to stop him. Even though me and Wren had different ideas about mates, he still knew how I felt and would protect me at all cost.

The rawest form of hurt covered Akai's handsome face. His bright green eyes searched mine looking for a reason as to why I didn't want him touching me, but I made sure to compose my face and my emotions.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Wren was quick to tell Akai off and protect his best friend. "Don't touch her! She doesn't even know you!" Akai face went from sad and hurt to jealous and angry.

His eyes grew a few shades darker as he watched Wren's every move. "I'm her mate, she sees me every night, so please step aside!" His voice was laced with venom. It made an involuntary shiver ran through my body.

"You can see that she doesn't want you though," Akai rolled his eyes, then took a step closer to Wren and I. "Step away or I might do something that I will regret later." Akai eyes got even darker as he took a big step, so that he was now standing face to face with Wren.

"What are you going to do, pup? It'll take more than a slap to the face to hurt me!" Wren growled.

I felt the power radiating off of Akai, so I knew he was an alpha and two Alphas fighting was never a pretty sight. I definitely didn't want to be the cause of one of them getting hurt.

I tapped Wren on the shoulder, getting his attention away from Akai.

When Wren turned around his eyes were already black; a sign that he was ready to fight. "Let me handle this," he shook his head. I knew he didn't want me getting hurt trying to protect him, but it's what I needed to do. "He won't hurt me, just let me do this." After a minute of thinking, he finally lowered his head and took a step behind me.

I stepped in front of Wren, now standing right in front of Akai. We were so close that I was able to smell his minty breath and feel his body heat radiating onto me. My face went from determined to nervous in one split second.

"Lupita?" I could hear the desperation in Akai's voice as he looked into my eyes. I looked down at my feet because just seeing his face broke my heart.

After a few minutes of me not saying anything, Akai finally spoke. Making my heart crack with every word he said. "Please come back home with me. It'll be for the best!" He tried his best to persuade me, but I wasn't about to budge from my mate stance.

Dream, my little mateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora