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I woke up and realized I didn't have a dream yesterday. Then I started thinking maybe I didn't start my dreams and the man in my dreams was just some random man that I had dreamt up myself. I kept telling myself that hoping that if I said it enough, then it'll come true.

After sitting in my bed for an hour giving myself a pep talk I finally got out of bed and headed downstairs for some breakfast. The pack house was oddly quiet, but then I remembered the full moon was yesterday and a lot of people had started their dreams and went to find their mates immediately. It kind of calmed my nerves to see that not many people were in the pack house, so I wouldn't be questioned.

I sat down and ate my waffles alone, then I thought 'Where the heck is Wren?' Omg, he had gotten his dreams. I was so excited for him because I knew how important a mate was to him and I just knew he'd get the most perfect mate out there. I smiled knowing that if my best friend had found his mate yet he'd be so happy. I'm glad someone is enjoying this moment in their life. Him not being here also means I have a few months before he comes back to the pack.

"Wow, it's just a great day for me!" I smiled even harder then grabbed my plate and set it in the sink and ran upstairs to my room.

I kind of felt lonely since Wren was my only real friend in the pack, so him not being here means I'll probably be alone until he comes back. Lily was gone too, so I literally had no one to talk to now. I had no television or phone, so the only thing I could do to pass the time was shift into my wolf form and go for a long run. It was definitely well needed with everything that has been going on in my life recently.

I changed into some clothes that I didn't care about and ran down stairs only to run right into the Alpha.

I should've known my luck wouldn't last for too long.

"Alpha Samuel!" I said bowing my head to show respect.

"Orianna?" He looked at me with a confused look and raised one eyebrow. "I'm surprised you're still here and not out looking for your mate." he said crossing his arms over his big chest. Most of the time in packs Alphas and Betas get their dreams as soon as they turn 18 or 19. I was already 19 and turning 20 in just a few months, so soon everybody would start to think I didn't have a mate.

I tried to smile to ease some of the tension rolling off of me because I knew the Alpha would be able to sense that. "Yeah, I guess it just wasn't my time yet, but hopefully the next full moon will be." I said smiling, but the Alpha still looked at me weirdly.

"Yeah, hopefully, but just don't get your hopes up. Since you're the Betas daughter you were suppose to get your dreams the same time as Wren." the Alphas face was straight, he probably thought I wouldn't get a mate. I knew he felt bad for me, but he didn't know I was running away from mine.

"Uh- okay, I'll keep that in mind, Alpha Samuel" I gave him a small smile before I ran off towards the door before he could say anything else to me.

I opened the door and shut it and just stood there taking deep breaths. Maybe this was a stupid idea, I was risking me and my mates life for a promise I made with my mom.

I sighed- sometimes I can make stupid mistakes, but it's because I never wanted to let anybody down... especially my parents, so I couldn't break the promise. My family was able to move on with their lives, but I couldn't. My mom was my best friend and I felt like if I broke our promise she wouldn't love me anymore, she'll think I'm like my father and I didn't want that. I would have to do the impossible and fight the mate bond, but my mom would always tell me that I'm a strong young lady, so I think I can do it.

I finally remembered what I came out here to do... run. I walked into the forest and found a big tree that I could hide behind to change. I quickly took off my clothes and let my body morph into my wolf form. As soon as the fur covered my body I felt calmer. I didn't shift to my wolf form much, but when I did it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders, I just felt so free and at peace.

Dream, my little mateWhere stories live. Discover now