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"And you're home." Shea slowed to a stop as we stopped in the front of my pack house. "I'll get your stuff and bring it in." He hopped out the car and went to the trunk to grab my bags.

"Shea," I quickly got out the car and walked after him.

"Yes." He looked up at me, waiting for me to say what had been wrecking my mind since we first drove off.

"You know this is not the right choice. It'll just cloud his mind and distract him from the real problem at hand." He let out a long sigh as he pulled out my bags. "You have to convince him to change his mind." I begged, but he just kept his head down and said nothing.

"We should go inside, it's getting kinda chilly." He looked at me for a quick second before he reluctantly started walking towards my pack house.

"Wait," I roughly grabbed his arm and turned him to me. "Do something, Shea! I need to be there with the pack." He snatched his arm away from my grip.

"I wish I could, but I can't. He's my Alpha and what he says goes. I see why he's doing this; our pack is not fully developed and you'll make us more vulnerable. Just think about, you can't fight or defend yourself, so we'll have to protect you and fight them off, which will only weaken us more." His voice rose as he stared at me angrily. I knew he couldn't do anything, but I just hoped there was a way to get to Akai, so he'd see where I was coming from. "Just... leave it alone and let us figure this out. He doesn't need the extra stress from your rebelliousness." His eyes slightly softened, begging me to let this go. I wanted to keep fighting, but I knew there was no point.

"Fine." He nodded his head in thankfulness, then he continued the walk to the house and I silently followed.

Before we even got to the door, Wren had swung open the door and was running full speed towards me.

"Oreo!" I laughed as he picked me up and wrapped his arms tightly around me. Shea stood awkwardly next to us, watching Wren's every move. "I've missed you so much!" He swung me around, then he finally placed me back onto the ground, as soon as he was sure that the dizziness had left me. He then turned to Shea and held out his hands for my bags. "I'll take it from here." Shea eyed him for a minute before he slowly dropped the bags into his awaiting hands.

"Shea, you can go now. I'll be safe here." I said coyly... I didn't want him to feel like he wasn't wanted here, but he kinda wasn't. Just seeing Wren made me more accepting of being back for a while.

"Make sure you call Akai when you get settled in." I could tell he didn't want to leave me with Wren, but eventually he did. "I'll see you soon, Anna. Make sure your pack keeps her safe or you'll be in battle with our pack!" Shea shouted at Wren. Shea opened the door to the car and got in. I could see Shea glaring at Wren and Wren glaring at Shea.

"Hey, come on. Don't we have a lot to catch up on?" He slowly turned his gaze from Shea as I now stood beside him and started pulling him towards the house.

Shea finally sped off once he saw me enter into the house. Just stepping back into the Willow Creek pack, just made me remember just how much I had missed this place and all the familiar faces I had come to know over the years. I still wasn't fully with Akai's decision, but I was more accepting. I would stop fighting today, but I'll resume tomorrow.

As I stepped further into the house, Alpha Samuel came walking down the stairs with a smile on his face. I had missed that slightly wrinkled face. I walked over to him and gave him a tight hug.

"Orianna, I didn't think it would take you this long to come and visit us." Samuel spoke in mock defensiveness. I just rolled my eyes in reply.

"I lost track of time with everything I had going on over there." I replied.

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