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"Orianna, you woke?" I felt someone gently tapping my shoulders. I quickly cracked open my sleepy eyes and Shea was squatted in front of me with a smile on his face. "It's dinner time." Shea voice was so mellow and I almost fell back asleep.

"Ok, I'll be ready soon." I said, not even recognizing that I was speaking.

"I'll be outside your door when you're finished." I nodded my head against the pillow, then Shea stood up and exited the room.

I sighed against the pillow. I really didn't feel like getting out of the bed, but it was my first night here and I didn't want his pack hating me more than they already do.

I groggily got out of the warm bed. I stumbled to the bathroom; I tried to fix my hair, but it still looked like a hot mess, so I just gave up and threw my hair into a ponytail. I then walked back into my room, and into the closet to find some decent looking clothes. I ended up putting on a pair of leggings and a hoodie. I then slipped on some fuzzy socks, then I opened the door to my room.

"You look like you need another 35 hours of sleep." Shea said trying to suppress a chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm glad you think it's funny." I said in a monotone voice.

"Come, you don't want cold food." He placed his hand on my lower back, then he guided me downstairs to the dining room. The whole way there I was half sleep. I barely even felt my feet hitting the floor.

As soon as I walked into the dining room though, I became alert and I felt lots of eyes staring at me.

I quickly sobered up; I stood up straight, I rubbed my eyes trying to make me look more awake, then I sheepishly looked up at the people staring holes into my entire body.

"H-hey." I waved awkwardly. I didn't really know what to do or say, but it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I honestly thought somebody was going to trying to pounce on me.

Finally Akai motioned for me and Shea to sit down; I sat down on his left and Shea sat down on his right. The pack continued to watch me like I was going to attack at any moment.

"It's fine, relax." Akai placed his hands on my thigh. I looked up at him and his face had a little smile. I let out a shakey deep breath, then I focused on the food in front of me. What a great distraction.

"Eat!" Akai let out a deep growl. Everybody immediately started eating, but they still stole quite a few looks from me.

"So, Akai..." Akai slightly raised his head at the sound of his name being called. They didn't add the 'Alpha' part, which meant they were close or just rebellious. "You took her back even after what she did to you and how she embarrassed you in front of everybody?" My face quickly turned red as the groups attention was directed back to me. Akai let out an irritated growl.

"Well?" I looked up and I saw a really pretty woman looking directly at Akai, she wasn't backing down either.

"Ferrah?" His voice was dangerously low and sharp. The girl's gaze drifted to me and I froze.

"I was just wondering, you know I only want the best for you. And I'm sure the pack wanted to know too." She said shrugging her shoulders like it was the most obvious thing.

"Well, its not like I can reject her without hurting myself, so we're kinda stuck together. You'll get use to her though." I felt slightly shocked at what he said. I didn't know if he was putting on a show for his pack or if these were his true feelings about me.

It stung, but I wasn't surprised.

Without another word, I leapt out of my chair and walked straight out of the dining room and went outside. I just needed to be by myself. It was a lot to take in, especially when you're in a whole different pack, with people you don't know and aren't comfortable with.

I was in a room full of people, but I still felt lonely. Everybody talked and laughed with each other, but I was left to eat my dinner alone and in silence. It made me hate this arrangement my father put me in even more than I did before


I sat on a small step, looking out at the vast forest in front of me. The cool air helped to relax my body and bring me back to life.

"You okay?" I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Shea with a worried look on his face.

I nodded my head thinking that would make him leave, but instead he sat down next to me.

"I know you feel so out of place, but I swear it'll get better. Our pack members are actually really calm and inviting." I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah, I definitely got that vibe from them today." Shea let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry," I looked at Shea with a questioning face. "For how Akai's acting. He really just needs to get past the sour feelings and enjoy your company. And what he said at dinner was just down right...hurtful. You don't deserve that."

"It's fine, I deserve it with everything I've done to him so far." Shea grabbed my shoulder and turned me towards him. The look on his face was more serious then anything I've ever seen before.

"You're taking it slow because of something that happened to you in the past. It's not just because you feel like messing with his feelings. You need to tell Akai this is wrong and that he should be treating you like the perfect Luna you are!" Shea voice was raised, which was something I never expected to come out of his mouth.

I didn't have any words. I knew he was right about everything, but I didn't want to admit that to myself. I felt like I needed some hurt for all the things I've been putting Akai through in this short amount of time that we've known each other.

"We'll fix it though," Shea gave me a reassuring smile, then he slowly leaned in. His dark brown eyes gazing into mine and instantly calming my nerves.

And before I could stop him... it happened.


That ending though😏

I've got some bad news:
Basically my spring break is over (I know, that was really fast & I did nothing) I tried to write more, but then I got super lazy, so sorry for that. Now that I'm back to school and it's the end of the school year; I have a whole bunch of testing... yay🙃
My updating is going to be really crazy for this book for the rest of April and May, but I will write in my spare time, so I can get some chapters out, but don't expect a lot.

The joys of being a highschooler. *note the sarcasm*

@ezra1122erza1122 thanks for being so freakin sweet! Your comments always make me smile, so thank you💓

Bye, and be on the lookout for another update at the end of this week.

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