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Akai POV

I sat on the couch with Ferrah watching some chick-flick. I wasn't really paying attention though, my mind was in a different place.

Ferrah cuddled up to me as the movie progressed. My skin was slowly starting to sting, but I just brushed it off. Recently Ferrah and I have been spending a lot of time together, so I was use to Ferrah touching me and my body painfully paying for it.

Three months have passed and the stinging progressed to burning. It didn't hurt as bad as it did last time me and Ferrah hung out because I kissed my Lupita yesterday. My mind had been stuck on that one moment all day. It's all I could think about, it's all I wanted to do. I'm still surprised she didn't punch me in the face afterwards. I kinda get the feeling that she's warming up to me. She still needs some more time, but soon she'll be running to me.

"Akai?" Ferrah was tapping me on my shoulder bringing me out of my dream world. "Y-yeah?" She looked at me with an annoyed face. I tried to smile thinking she'd just smile back and everything would be okay, but that wasn't the case. Ferrah stood up in front of me, blocking my view from the tv. One thing I didn't really like about Ferrah is that she liked to throw temper tantrums, she'd been doing it our whole lives and she still does it at the age of 19.

I slowly looked up at her seeing the anger and frustration flowing through her eyes. I sighed as I knew what was coming next... screaming and a lot of it. "What's got you so distracted? You haven't even been watching the movie!" I wanted to shrug my shoulders, but I held back because I knew that would make her more angry.

"I was watching it, Furbear." I tried using her nickname thinking that'd cool her done, but it didn't work. "That's not working this time." She crossed her arms over her chest and let out a puff. I wanted to laugh so bad, Ferrah being angry is the funniest thing ever.

She could tell I was on the verge of laughing, so she jumped on me and she was sitting on my lap. I'm glad the cover was blocking our skin from touching. "You think this is funny?" She looked at me with an angry smirk, then she grabbed my face and planted her lips on mine. I let out a groan from the burning sensation that this kiss was causing me.

Me and Ferrah did do something's- some sexual things a few months ago. But I was 22 and I didn't think I was getting my mate, so I just said fück it, let's see how this feels. I can't lie, I did want to make Ferrah my Luna after that, but then shortly after I started my dreams and I felt extremely bad.

Ferrah had been more touchy-feely lately, but I don't have the guts to tell her that I started my dreams yet. I know it's sad, but it's what I have to do to keep my Alpha title and stay respected.

Ferrah finally released from my lips with a victorious smile on her face. My body was starting to burn now. Ferrah stayed on my lap, probably thinking I wanted to do more with her, but I think we had done enough for tonight. I quickly picked her up and placed her onto the couch, then I quickly ran up to my room. It felt like my skin was screaming. I could hear my wolf whining in my head.

I can't take this burning sensation anymore, it's so freaking annoying I thought to myself as I took off all my clothes and immediately got in the shower. Tonight when I have my dreams I'm not holding back anymore- I'm going to find her and I'm going to bring her home.

The cold water cascades down my body cooling every part that it touched. I let out a sigh of relief as the pain started to subside. I got out the shower with a new found determination to get my mate. I had been lenient before, but not anymore. It had been three months- three long months, that gave her enough time to adjust and come find me. I'm an alpha and I won't let some She wolf control me any longer.

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