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He kissed me hard, showing no mercy to my lips. I knew he was feeling hurt and his emotions were all over the place, but kissing me wasn't going to help him.

I tried to push away, but he only grabbed my waist and brought me closer to him, not caring about how I was feeling at the moment. Tears slowly started dripping from my eyes as he continued to kiss me with all the force he had.

I opened my teary eyes only to find Wren looking back at me. He saw the confused state he was putting me in and yet, he continued to bruise me with his lips.

I blinked away the tears and tried using my eyes as a way to tell him to stop. My eyes were pleading with his, begging him to stop so we can fix this another way.

To my surprise, he pulled away from my mouth. We were both breathing heavy (for very different reasons). He looked... pleased with himself, which only made me livid.

"What the heck!? You just lost your mate, you're not suppose to be kissing me! Your emotions are a wreck, but-but we can fix it another way, Wren. Just.... don't ever do that again!" I snapped, but my screaming didn't seem to faze him.

"Haven't you noticed? Our whole life, I've had a huge crush on you. I always dreamt and hoped you'd be my mate one day. If you'd just stop fighting it... we can love each other and be together forever." I looked at him with bewilderment written all on my face. Where was this even coming from? "I love you so much and you don't know how upset I am that you let Akai mark your pretty little neck!" He pulled my shirt down and looked at my shoulder with resentment and hate.

"Now, I guess I have to kill him, to erase the mark he put on you. At least I got you away from that lame excuse of a pack before my men came and tore apart everything in sight... even your weak little mate." He let out a sigh as if he was thinking about Akai's whole pack being slaughtered and the joy it'd bring him.

"Those five bodies... you did it." Realization sat in and I covered my mouth as it all came into place. This wasn't my best friend who I loved to death, no, this was some imposter- some evil, vengeful imposter.

"Technically, I didn't touch a hair on their body, but my pack members did. But enough about their pack, let's focus on us, yeah?" I glared at him, all my hatred and mistrust coming to the surface. "Don't make that face, Oreo. We'll have double the land, we'll be a very powerful couple together. I swear in a months time... you'll be back to being a happy little Oreo!" He pinched the bridge of my nose and had the guts to give me a bright smile.

"You're disgusting." I spat back angrily. "You're really going to kill hundreds of wolves, so you can live out your dream of us being some power couple?" He silently nodded his head as he ran his fingers gently across my face.

"I expected you to be this mad, but it'll get greater later, Oreo. Just trust that I'll bring you happiness everyday of our lives." He moved his hands to my long hair and pulled at the roots, so he could keep my head in the place he wanted it. His face flashed from the softness it once held to being hard and angry. "When I kiss you this time, you better kiss back or I'll have my men kill anybody who's on patrol at Akai's pack." He let a smirk spread onto his lips as he saw the scared expression on my face. "And this goes for anything else I want from you. When I mean anything, I mean anything and everything. If you refuse, a pack member gets killed immediately. I expect to feel those pretty lips of yours on me and moving to whatever pace I set, yeah? I swear I'm a better kisser than Akai!" He tilted my head, which caused a pain to surge on my scalp as he pulled it back.

He looked me directly in my eyes as he leaned his face down to mine and placed his lips on mine with such fervor. A tremble ran down my body as I reluctantly started moving my lips against his. It felt wrong on so many levels (on all levels actually), but I had to do it, nobody could die on my time. He hummed against my lips, but I couldn't take it anymore, so I pulled back, which was a big mistake.

"I-I can't do this! I'm with Akai an-and we're suppose to be best friends. Don't make me do this, please, don't do this to me. You know it's wrong... you basically want to rape me!" Wrong choice of words. Before I could get another word out, he pulled my hair so tight that I started crying. He then pushed me so I was on my back, then he climbed on top of me.

"I won't be raping you, I know you'll enjoy it. You know you've always wanted to be with me like this and now you can have all of me. I promise I can do it better than Akai. Also, for that little stunt you just pulled... somebody just died. Now, this is going to go my way or no way. I tried to give you freedom by not tying you to the bed, but I might have to. Now, shut up and let's become that power couple we've been destined to be!" He was delusional. No matter what I wanted to do, I couldn't, he had too much control over me right now. I don't know if he was lying about the killing, but I didn't want to take a chance.

So when he started kissing on my shoulder (the one without the mark) I just let him. I would try my best to keep him away from doing anything else, but I had to think of a plan while he was doing the "light" stuff.

"You know you secretly like this." He spoke against my neck. I exhaled a breath as I almost had another freak-out moment. "I can't wait until you're fully mine." I closed my eyes and tried my best to zone out and think of a way to get away from him and get to a phone. "We're going to have so much fun together, Oreo."

As he started to get a little more daring with his touch, the door busted open and I almost cried out in relief.

Wren immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at who just interrupted "our" moment.

"Get off her! We have better things to do right now." I knew that voice. The warmness, the happiness it brought to my aching heart, the relief it brought to my slowly dying soul. I slowly opened my eyes as Wren climbed off of me and there she stood looking the same she did when I was a kid.

"Mom?" She turned to me, but her face held no emotions. "Mother." I called again, but this time she didn't even look at me.

"Let's go and make sure you stay off my daughter until the plan is fully executed. No more touchy-feely, Tyler." Wren sighed, but silently pushed pass my mom and went to wherever he was going.

What the actual heck was happening? My dead mother was standing in front of me, talking and... being alive. If I thought this was all messed up before than I was completely lost for words now and probably dead by now, too.

"Mom." I looked at her again as I now sat up. She looked at me and her eyes softened and a smile threatened to form upon her lips.

"I'm sorry." That's all she said to me before she closed the door and left me a complete frazzled mess.

I was officially going crazy.


Yes, another chapter in less than a day! I'm just trying to write as much as I can before my laziness kicks in again.

But let's talk about what's going on in this chapter... craziness, am I right or am I right? Wren aka Tyler (which will be explained in the next chapter probably) is actually some psychopath who's been living his life through this sweets boys body, but ig he finally broke free from his old self. Now, do you have a better idea of what's happening? What about her mother? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

Also, this is very random but I just have to do this-
Q: What do you call fake pasta?
A: imPASTA. Ba Dum Tss😂
As soon as I wrote the "imposter" line, I couldn't get this joke out my head. So you're welcome to anyone who laughed, which was probably no one, but 🤷‍♀️.

Update: This book will be taken down on May 10th

Anywho, Bye💓

Dream, my little mateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora