Railgun and Her Acquaintances

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There were two beds in their room, but Ryuko refused to take one of them and slept of the space next to the window that over looked a beautiful garden.

"The dorm mistress said that when a room opened up, you could take, but she also said that it would only be during summer break, soooo." Mikoto said as the three of them walked down the busy streets of the Learning Garden.

Mikoto and Kuroko had insisted on introducing her to their friends, Uiharu and Satén.

Ryuko despised the fact that she had no idea where she was. She would have rather been fighting Nonon, Jakuzara, Gamagoori, and Inumuta over some stupid thing, like who was stronger. Obviously, Ryuko thought to herself, I would win, I have life fibers...

"-so what do you think? Ryuko?" Mikoto interrupted Ryuko's thoughts.

"What?" Ryuko asked.

"Do you want to go to the Gekota convention with me?" Mikoto asked, obviously embarrassed by repeating the question.

"Erm. Sure." Ryuko asked, completely confused.

"Onee-sama is very childish." Kuroko giggled only to receive a few hundred volts of electricity from Mikoto. "So easily embarrased."

While the two of them fought, Ryuko walked ahead, careful to stay within yelling distance of them.

"Ryuko!" Mikoto yelled behind. "The cafe is over here!"

"Sorry." Ryuko said as she followed them into the cafe.

"Uiharu!" Kuroko yelled. "You already ordered without us?"

"It was Satén! I was waiting for you guys. Satén is still waiting for another order." Came a squeaky voice from a girl with black hair covered in flowers.

"Anyways... this is Ryuko, erm...Matlock!" Kuroko pointed at Ryuko.

"No!" Ryuko said, trying to clear up the error. "My name is-"

"Nice to meet you, Ryuko!" Uiharu said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, but m-"

"Misaka! Kuroko! Your here already?" A girl with the same black hair, but way longer and not completely covered in flowers appeared.

"Hi Satén!" Uiharu smiled and pointed at Ryuko. "This is Ryuko Mattock!"

"Wait! That's another completely different-" Ryuko was interrupted, again.

"Hi! I'm Satén!" The taller girl held out her hand as a greeting.

"Nice to meet you." Ryuko took the hand and decided her name was not going to change anytime soon.

"You must be fairly new." Uiharu said as she motioned them all to sit in the booth. "I haven't seen any new arrivals in the Judgement database yet."

"She actually just got to the dorm last night." Mikoto said. "She is lucky she was in the Learning Garden at that time., otherwise, she might have been found by the punks from other parts of Academy City."

"Judgement would have gotten there before she got hurt." Kuroko and Uiharu said simultaneously.

"Yeah yeah." Mikoto rolled her eyes. "Well, let's order."

A few minutes later they were all enjoying their own ice cream, except for Ryuko, who was still trying to figure out where she was and why she was there.

A few hours later.

They all decided to head to the park after they had their ice cream and went shopping.

"Ah! It is so nice out! Why can't fall always be this nice?" Mikoto said as she stretched on the bench.

"Because then, the weather would be boring." Satén said.
Ring ring

"Is somebodies phone going off?" Ryuko asked.
Ring! Ring!

"I don't think that is a phone." Uiharu pointed at a bank across the street.

A giant piece of metal exploded from the inside as four men ran out of the door, carrying bags of money.

"Misaka!" Kuroko yelled as Mikoto ran towards the bank."Ryuko!"

Ryuko started sprinting after Mikoto and the robbers, when she noticed that one of them had a sword.

Mikoto sent a giant bolt of electricity after the three robbers who were unarmed. Two of them were sent sprawling while the other one used a levitating car as a shield. The robber with the sword turned to fight with Mikoto, but was stopped by Ryuko.

"Move, before you get hurt!" The swordsman yelled.

"Not until you drop the weapon!" Ryuko shouted at him with her best rebellious smile.

"Damn delinquent." The man shouted and made a jab at Ryuko. The side of his sword managed to cut through the side of Ryuko's jacket and scratched her with ease.

"Crap! He is faster than I thought." Ryuko muttered as she went up to kick him in the side.

The swordsman grabbed her foot and threw her down the street, right into a metal stop sign. At that moment a giant flash of light blasted down the road with what looked like a car leading the way.

"The hell?" Ryuko shouted as she grabbed the sign and ripped it out of the cement. "I don't understand this place, but I'm going to stop that ass hole with the sword, because he tore my favorite jacket!"

Ryuko lunged toward the swordsman and jabbed him with the sign in his stomach. He was sent crashing into a wall. Dust rose, blocking everyone's view of the battle.

"Ryuko!" Kuroko yelled from the edge of the dust. "Onee-sama!"

The dust began to settle enough to see Mikoto standing holding three of the robbers who were unconscious. "Where is Ryuko?"

"I'm over here!" Ryuko yelled from the dust as an unconscious swordsman flew out of the cloud, without his sword."And, I'm keeping his sword!"

Note: When Mikoto is called Misaka by Uiharu and Satén it is because they are using the polite way of speaking in Japan, where they have to say the last name of the person first.

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