Ryuko vs. Quell and Senketsu

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Satsuki stared at the determined look in Ryuko's eyes. "Fine, but if you start to struggle, I will intervene."

"Are you nuts!?" Mikoto said. "Ryu was struggling in the dorm room! How is she going to be able to fight someone like Quill!?"

"My name is Quell!" Quell shouted indignantly.
Calm down Quell. We could have handled this problem earlier, if you hadn't been threatening Ryuko. Senketsu said.

"The hell!?" Mikoto said.
You can hear me? Senketsu said towards Mikoto.

"Yeah." Mikoto said.

"Well, I am sure that you can figure that all out later." Ryuko said as she wiped her bloodied hand on her borrowed pajama bottoms from Mikoto, that were decorated in little green frogs, called Gekotas.

"Hey! You better buy me some other ones since you are probably going to get those ruined." Mikoto said, watching the large blood stain spread from Ryuko's hand.

"Don't worry. I will." Ryuko said before she rammed her fist into Quell's face.

"Your eyes aren't red anymore." Quell noted.

"Red?" Ryuko asked as she walked over to where Quell had stumbled.

"Never mind." Quell said as she grabbed the pin, where the glove used for Senketsu's Life Fiber Synchronisation was. "We need to get this over with! I would use my Fun House, but I haven't had a chance to fully use Senketsu yet."

Quell pulled the pin, entering Life Fiber Synchronisation. Ryuko pulled off her jacket she had on and threw it on the floor where Mikoto was standing. She heard a collective gasp from all of the Tokiwadai girls in the dorm as they saw the revealing clothing that Senketsu had turned into and at the tattoo on Ryuko's neck.

"Ryuko! You and I both know that you can't fight Senketsu all by yourself! You could barely take him on when you were wearing Junketsu!" Satsuki shouted.

Ryuko gave a harsh laugh. "I wasn't in my right mind then. You were wearing Senketsu at that time, and you had experience with a god robe before. Quell here, does not have experience with God robes."

Ryuko rushed Quell and Senketsu, with just her fists for weapons. Quell easily dodged and elbowed Ryuko in the back of her neck, sending her sprawling through the wall.

The surrounding girls shouted, not comprehending the danger that they were in as Ryuko got up from the rubble of the wall.

"What is going on here!? No using abilities in-" The dorm mistress was cut off by a loud crack as Ryuko connected her fist with Quell's jaw.

"U roke I yaw!" Quell shouted as blood poured out of her mouth. A series of clicks could be heard as her jaw was healed. "Now that is something I won't forgive!"

Quell let out a shout as she jumped at Ryuko with a burning fury in her eyes. Ryuko laughed, like it was a game to her as she grabbed Quell by the back of Senketsu's collar and slammed her into the opposite wall. She could hear a groan as the dorm mistress saw the damage that was getting worse and worse.

Ryuko felt an immense pain through her neck again, that caused her to fall to her knees in pain.

"Ryu! Ryuko!" Mikoto and Satsuki shouted as the girl with the red streak in her hair fell to the ground.

"That's it. I'm stepping in." Satsuki said as she pulled out Bakuzan again, but was stopped by the dorm mistress' hand.

"No. This girl, she has something she needs to prove. I have seen this same look before. The Ace of Tokiwadai has had it in every obstacle she has faced, she has had it since the day she came to these dorms. To interfere is to stop that determination. That look is the only reason I let this fight go on, it is the only reason I let the Railgun leave the dorm, even though she thinks she is sly and able to sneak past me."

Satsuki nodded and put Bakuzan away, while Ryuko gritted her teeth and stood up to reveal the line had became jagged and lines ran down from it.

"You should stay down." Quell said as she spit out a mouthful of blood and kicked Ryuko into the crowd of girls who made room for the fight.

"Ksht." Ryuko sounded amused as she rose back to her feet. "You think you're so powerful. You think that you're so high and mighty...just because you are wearing Senketsu....a silly sailor uniform...my father's god robe...my only thing left of my father..." Ryuko raised her head up, to reveal that her iris' had turned a bright blood red. "MY FIRST PART OF MY FAMILY!!!"

With the last words, Ryuko charged Quell like a demon out of hell. She raised her fist for the punch, but held back as she round house kicked her in the ribs. Ryuko smiled as she heard the crack of the ribs and grabbed the strap that connected the skirt of Senketsu to the top and pulled it, throwing Quell into the wall.

"Senketsu may be right, I did out grow my uniform, but...I did not outgrow my family or friends." Ryuko made punch Quell in her already bloody face, but stopped and reached her hand out to help the girl up. "I don't know who you are, but if Senketsu let's you wear him, I am not going to try and take him from you."

Senketsu remained silent as Quell was pulled to her feet. Quell, however, did just the opposite. "What the hell!? I came here for a fight that I was too late for and I could have beat your face in! Now you're helping me!? What nonsense is this!?" Quell shouted, obviously furious.

"Didn't you know? Our family is full of nonsense." Satsuki said as she stood next to Ryuko.

"That nonsense is what just got your sister thrown in jail." A woman said from the end of the hall.

"What's Anti-skill doing here?" Kuroko asked as she pulled on her Judgement arm band.

"I called them here." The dorm mistress said as she pushed her glasses up on her nose. "Like I said, no abilities in the dorms."

The woman grabbed Ryuko's arm and hand cuffed her hands.

Quell began to laugh, until the woman also hand cuffed her. "What the hell!?"

"You are an intruder in these dorms." The dorm mistress said. "You also instigated the fight. Therefore, you are as much at fault as miss Matos is."

"Really!?" Ryuko shouted. "Not even she gets my last name right!?" Ryuko and Quell continued to complain as they were led out of the building.

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