Damn, Just Like The Show!

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"Fight me!" Ryuko shouted for the umpteenth time that day.

Satsuki had just been released from the hospital and was walking down the street with Ryuko. Misaka (I am going to start saying Misaka instead of Mikoto because I mess up typing and have to change it every time.) , Kuroko, Satén, and Uiharu were all following behind, watching the two sisters argue at a safe distance.

"It is rude to want to fight someone who just got out of the hospital, even our father had to have taught you that." Satsuki zsaid, annoyed.

"That crazy old man didn't teach me anything! He sent me to boarding school as soon as I was able!" Ryuko said.

"Look what good that did." Satsuki said, condescendingly.

"Fight me!" Ryuko began the loop again.

"If I were to fight you, I would have an unfair advantage because of my sword. Bakuzan is still made out of Life Fibers. If I were to land a blow, you would be injured." Satsuki reasoned.

"So what? Fight me!"

Suddenly Uiharu walked between the two of them and walked ahead, turning on her heel, she stopped in front of the sisters.

"You two shouldn't be fighting about fighting! It's giving me a head ache!" Uiharu complained as she held her head in her hands.

"She reminds me of Mako." Satsuki whispered to Ryuko.

"Finally! I'm not the only one!" Ryuko agreed.

Kuroko then teleported next to Uiharu. "And quite frankly, your drawing the attention of the Anti-skill patrol over there." Kuroko nodded towards some Anti-skill officers on the corner.

"Fine." Ryuko muttered and continued to walk ahead.

"Wow. They are just like they were in Kill la Kill." Satén whispered to Misaka.

"What did you just say?" Satsuki asked menacingly.

Satén kneeled to the ground at Satsuki's feet. "Nothing Ma'am!"

"That's what I thought." Satsuki turned to follow Ryuko, but a large crowd had gathered a short distance away from them.

Kuroko and Uiharu looked just as confused.

"Why are they gathering over there?" Kuroko asked.

They didn't need to wait for an answer as a person came flying through the crowd.

"Get out of here!" Ryuko shouted as she chased after the person.

"W-wait! I didn't mean to do it!" The boy with spiky black hair yelled back.

"Didn't mean to! Like hell you did!" Ryuko continued to chase him.

"Such misfortune!" He yelled as he ran down the street.

"Touma!" A girl in a nun's habit ran after him down the street.

Satsuki grabbed Ryuko, restraining her from killing the boy.

"Let go!" She yelled, point how small she really was compared to the other, much taller, girl.

"Not until you tell me what he did."

"He ran right into me!" Ryuko said. "He knocked me on my butt and didn't even apologize."

Misaka walked over to Ryuko. "How long did you give him to apologize?"

"Erm....I didn't." Ryuko muttered.

Satsuki let go of Ryuko. "Therep you in go again! Punch first, punch again later."

Ryuko glared at Satsuki.

"Control your temper. That is your one down fall. You always rush head first into trouble and never give it a second thought, that is how people die, not just you, the people around you too." Satsuki said, taking her stance, like she was ruling Honnouji again.

"Condescending." Ryuko muttered.

"What did you say?" Satsuki asked.

"If my down fall is my temper, your's is the fact that you look down on everyone." Ryuko said quietly.

"I do what I have to do to stay alive!" Satsuki argued.

"So so I!" Ryuko started to raise her voice.

"What about the people around you? Do they get to fend for themselves?" Satsuki asked.

Ryuko was shocked. She looked around her, at the girls who had taken her in.

Satsuki raised one of her eyebrows expecting Ryuko's answer.

Ryuko dropped her head and muttered, "I do what I need to, to get home. Where my family is." She then started to sprint away from the group.

Misaka and the others tried to run after her, but they were lost in the crowd.

Satsuki stared at where her sister had just been, arguing with her,and felt as though there was something wrong with her younger sibling.

"Ryuko. What happened?" Satsuki whispered.

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