Vandalism and Theories

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Ryuko had lost all four of the other girls, after running away for about an hour. It took another hour for her to finally decide that she was lost.

"Shit! This place is bigger than Satsuki's friggin' palace!" Ryuko shouted. "At least the city had a slope so you could see where you where!"

Ryuko kicked a brick, sending it into a nearby window.

"Crap!" She yelled as she heard a few of the robots she saw around the city come after her.

"Halt. You have violated the law. Vandalism detectected! Calling Anti-skill officers!-halt-" The robots continually repeated.

Ryuko took off running. She rounded a corner, only to find the road blocked by more robots. She heard a siren in the distance. They grew louder and louder until Ryuko saw the van's lights as they shown on the buildings.

Ryuko turned around to find her way also blocked.

"Shit." Ryuko muttered.

"Hands on your head!" An Anti-skill officer shouted from the van.

Ryuko decided to comply and knelt on the ground. "You guys really take a broken window seriously!" She shouted.

One of the officers pulled out their gun and leveled it at Ryuko.

"Hey! Wait! I'm doing what you said to!" She shouted at the officers.

The officer with the gun shot it at Ryuko. She felt a sting in her neck and pulled out a dart. "Damn!"

Ryuko's vision blurred and grew black as she felt hands wrap around her waste.

Anti-Skill Esper Detainment Unit

"What the hell!?" Ryuko heard a voice from a nearby room. She tried to open her eyes, but the light was too bright, it burned her eyes.

"Call Gensei!" Another voice shouted from nearby. "He'll want to see this!"

"Ugh." Ryuko groaned and forced her eyes open. She waited while her eyes adjusted to the bright lights in her cell. It was a completely blocked off room, with a metal door and black glass. "All I did was break a window."

The door opened with a series of clanks and groans to reveal an old man with glasses.

"Hello." He said.

"Who the hell are you?" Ryuko sneered.

"That is a question I should ask you, or should I ask, where are you from?" He said with the same smile.

"I'm from the country." Ryuko lied.

"That is a funny statement. You are not in any computer. No where in the world has you documented." He laughed.

"Buzz off." Ryuko growled.

"You know, I find your body's composition is what interests me."

Ryuko glared at the old, wrinkly doctor in front of her.

"I have had a theory of if people were made of fabric..."

"What kind of friggin' idea is that?" Ryuko tried to sound calm.

"Well. It is a large amount of crazy science, which a normal person would not understand." He smiled. "I was wondering if, you would like to be part of a few... experiments."

"Aw hell no!" Ryuko shouted.


Suddenly, Kuroko burst through the door and grabbed Ryuko by the wrist. "I'm sorry sir. I will be taking her under Judgement custody."

"Watch Ryuko for me." He said as the door shut behind Ryuko and Kuroko.

As the door gave a final squeak, all Ryuko could think about, was how the man knew her name.

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