Everybody Loves Gensei!

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Mikoto felt a throbbing in her head, feeling like a bus had just been driven like a mad man in her brain. She opened her eyes to see that she was strung up by black threads, like suspension wires, from the ceiling and floor. She looked further around the room to see that she was surrounded by the group that had been sent to district 4 and Quell, also suspended, but unconscious.

"Ryuko!" Mikoto said, seeing that the area where the threads were touching had caused her skin to turn black and cracked, blood ran down her arms and feet. The noise made Ryuko stir, but did not wake her.

The room was almost completely dark, except for the one beam of light in the center of the room, illuminating a black and red piece of cloth on the floor.

"Senketsu?" Mikoto asked, seeing that the cloth had moved.

Yes, I am Senketsu. A voice sounded through Mikoto's mind.

Mikoto smiled, seeing that now she had a chance to get free, but her hopes were dashed with Senketsu's next sentence.

Don't think that I have any ability to help, I only can help by being worn, and the only two people who have ever worn me safely are both knocked out.

"Why can't I wear you?" Mikoto asked. "I mean, I can hear your voice and everything."

Senketsu chuckled. And what an oddity that is. I heard you used electricity?

Mikoto nodded.

Well, since I use people's neurological functions to communicate, I wonder if you are just picking up on the electric waves that pass through the nerves, sending signals to the body?

Mikoto thought about it and just decided to agree. "Do you know why we are here?"

Senketsu denied knowing. "Crap. Why is it that whenever I need that teleporter lesbian that is obsessed with me, she never is around!?"

"Because, being underground makes it kind of hard for her to teleport to such a deep place." An old man said as he seemed to slink out of the shadows. "After all, it would be kind of hard for my experiments to happen if Judgement and Anti-skill were able to bust down a door or teleport easily into my base."

"Damn." Mikoto mumbled as she saw who it was. "Gensei."

"Now now. I don't have any interest in you level 5s right now, I am more interested in that cloth and the human cloth over there." He motioned towards Senketsu and Ryuko.

"Don't you dare touch either of them." Mikoto growled.

Gensei walked over to where Ryuko was hanging, her threads were twice as thick as everyone else's. He put the palm of his hand on Ryuko's face, caressing it.

"Let go of her!" Mikoto shouted. Ryuko stirred, but remained unconscious. Suddenly, Gensei ran his nails straight through Ryuko's face, from the top of her right eye to the left side of her mouth, causing bloody gashes to appear where is nails ran.

"Ryuko!" Senketsu and Mikoto shouted in unison.

Gensei ignored Mikoto, focusing on Ryuko's face as it stitched itself together, slowly but fast enough to see. "Well, that was a good first test, I will be back when I send my next troops in to fight." Gensei smiled and hobbled off into the shadows again.

(Feel free to leave comments, I always enjoy reading what you guys have to say! And if you want to see certain things happen, please pm me and we will see if I could possibly do it!)

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