Bedroom Crowding

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A girl watched from the shadows as Ryuko had been claimed by the thread, she was angry that she had been too late to stop it as she jumped out of the tree she was in.

"Damn. Where the hell am I supposed to find her now?" She grumbled as she began walking in the direction they had went.

"We both know that it will be harder to find Ryuko Matoi, without her causing a ruckus." A voice came from behind her.

"Shut up you stupid cloth."

(This girl is going to be an OC, I will make books about her sometime, enjoy!)

In The Tokiwadai Girls' Dorm

Ryuko had been standing in the girl's bathroom for over half an hour, looking in the mirror. She scratched at her neck,moved so the light was different, she even tried to wash it off, but the damn black line was still there.

Knock knock "Ryu are you ok in there?" Mikoto's voice carried through the door.

"I'm fine, just wait a second!" Ryuko splashed some cold water onto the line, trying to calm down the red welts that had come from her vigorous scratching. She rand the water again and opened the door, being careful to keep her jacket in a way, so as to block her neck.

"How's Kuroko?" Ryuko asked.

"She is still a little mad, but that's mostly because I left her to find you." Mikoto said as they went back into the dorm room.

"Oh. What about Satén and Uiharu?"

"We sent them home to get some sleep, because Uiharu didn't sleep last night." Mikoto replied.

Ryuko nodded her head, being careful to hide the scratches and red marks.

Mikoto reached out her hand and placed the back of it on Ryuko's face.

Ryuko jerked back in surprise. "What the hell!?"

Mikoto pulled her hand back. "You look like you have a fever, your neck is red and so is your face."

Ryuko shrugged and said she was fine as she started walking to their dorm room.

Mikoto opened the door to find that Satsuki had been asleep on her bed, clutching Mikoto's large stuffed bear. Mikoto gave a gasp and raced to grab the bear, but Ryuko grabbed her arm, restraining her. "She needs sleep, she just got out of the hospital." Ryuko couldn't help but laugh at how sisterly she sounded.

"Where am I supposed to sleep?" Mikoto grumbled.

"I'll sleep on the floor, you can have the windowsill." Ryuko opened the closet and pulled out another blanket, laying it on the floor.

"I can't take your bed." Mikoto argued. "It isn't right."

"Satsuki took your bed, I think it makes us even." Ryuko grabbed an extra pillow and threw it onto her blanket.

"But I still-" Mikoto tried to argue, but got cut off by another pillow flying into her face.

"Enough, I have my mind set on the floor." Ryuko said as she tucked herself in. "Besides, don't you want to sleep before Kuroko gets back from Judgement and bothers you?"

Mikoto didn't argue at that, but immediately fell asleep. Ryuko listened to the girls' deep breathing before she got up and exited the room, trying not to wake up the two.

Ryuko knew that it was past curfew, but so did Kuroko, but she had Judgement as and excuse. Ryuko had seen the girl drop down from the tree before they left the park, but she didn't want to fight or bother Mikoto and Satsuki.

So, Ryuko had waited for the two to fall asleep, so she could find the girl and maybe get an answer.

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