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"Ryuko, maybe it would be easier if you told us exactly where you are from?" Mikoto said.

"Ok, well, I am from a place called Honnouji Academy. I tried to look it up, but all I found was a manga called Kill la Kill. It was about the Academy, and it had me in it." Ryuko said quietly.

"Ok, so we can just look up that manga and understand who you are?" Kuroko asked.

"N-no!" Ryuko blushed and worried about what her friends would think about how she had to dress when she fought, not to mention who her family was."

"Why not?" Mikoto asked.

"Because, it is personal." Ryuko said quietly, remembering how awkward it was looking at Satsuki's side of the story.

"It will help us though!" Kuroko argued."I am going to call Uiharu, to look it up."

Before Ryuko could tackle her, the teleporter used her ability to grab her phone and leave the dorm.

"What the hell happened to not using your abilities in the dorm!?" Ryuko shouted after her. Down the hall, she heard manacles laughter, then silence.

"Oh no." Mikoto said, honestly looking terrified.

"What?" Ryuko asked.

"The dorm mistress-" Suddenly the door crashed open and Kuroko was thrown in.

"No abilities in the dorm!" The woman yelled from behind the door.

"Y-yes, Ma'am." Kuroko mumbled.

"So, I called Uiharu, and she didn't know about it," Ryuko gave a sigh of relief, "but, Satén was with her and apparently loved the manga!"

"Oh God." Ryuko groaned.

"Apparently there was also an anime series about it too!" Kuroko said. "Much easier to watch it then read it!"

The conversation went silent as Ryuko layer on the bed with a dreadful expression, aimed at the ceiling.

"Satén is going to bring over the DVD for the series right away." Kuroko said.

"Great, everything is now about to be awkward!" Ryuko shouted into Mikoto's pillow.

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