Shining Bright Like A Railgun

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Ryuko sat next to her sister's bed side. Satsuki had been asleep for a whole day, while Ryuko sat next to her, waiting for her sister to wake up.

"Why the hell are you here?" Ryuko mumbled, trying to stay awake.

Satsuki rolled in her sleep and pulled Ryuko's hand with her. Ryuko's hand became pinned under Satsuki, but she did not remove it, in fear of waking her up.

An hour passed and Ryuko's hand and most of her arm had completely lost feeling.

"Ryuko..." Mikoto knocked at the door. "You need to rest, and eat."

"Not until Satsuki wakes up." Ryuko mumbled, almost asleep.

Satsuki rolled over again, releasing Ryuko's hand. Ryuko pulled her arm and hand to her chest as the pins and needles started to settle in.

Satsuki's eyes fluttered. Ryuko bolted straight up and leaned over the bed.

As she waited, Satsuki just rolled over again, facing away from Ryuko.

"She won't wake up for a while. At least go eat something." Mikoto pulled Ryuko from the room and took her to a vending machine.

Ryuko got a granola bar and scarfed it down.

"Attention. This is not a drill. This is not a drill. This is a lock down. Do not panic. Anti-Skill has been notified. Remain in your rooms and find a safe place." The intercom system started to go off, repeating the same message.

Ryuko ran to the stair well as a loud blast resounded throughout the building.

"Ryuko!" Mikoto shouted, racing after her. "Wait!"

Ryuko wasn't listening. She was too busy being angry that someone would burst into a hospital, where people were sleeping. She ran down the stairs, to the first floor.

There was shattered glass and broken plaster every where. Ryuko looked around, trying to find the rude person or people who were responsible, but it was dark, like a switch had turned out the lights in the room, even though it was still bright outside. Ryuko squinted, seeing a dark form in the corner of the room.

"Oi!" Ryuko yelled. "Who the hell are you!?"

The form moved a little.

"Stand up slowly!" She yelled.

The form began to rise, leaving another, non-moving body on the ground. Ryuko could tell that it was a person. She reached towards where she kept the stolen sword, but it was gone.

"Shit!" Ryuko whispered as she remembered that it was up in Satsuki's room.

The shape seemed to notice Ryuko was unarmed as it slowly made its way towards her. Each step it took did not make a single noise.

"Stay back!" Ryuko shouted, not giving it any ground.

The shape continued to lumber towards her. Ryuko looked for Mikoto, hoping that she could help her with her railgun move.

"Mikoto!" Ryuko whispered for the apparently missing girl.

The shape reached out a long arm and suddenly, like lightning wrapped itself around Ryuko's wrist. A sizzling came from where the thing was touching. Ryuko could smell her own skin burning as she struggled to rip off the unknown attacker, but she was weak from not sleeping and could do little more than burn her other hand in the process.

Suddenly a blinding light came from the door way of the stair well. It shot at the attacker and illuminated it just enough to see that it was a giant sailor uniform, that was humanoid and looked like Senketsu.

The creature was sent flying into the street and ran away from the light. Ryuko tried to chase after it, but she was too fatigued.

The blinding light continued from the stair well, where Satsuki and Mikoto were standing.

"You already nearly got killed?" Satsuki asked in her condescending voice. "And it wasn't even one of my Elite Four you were fighting."

"I could have handled myself if I hadn't forgotten my sword." Ryuko sneered. "And even though we're at the same eye level you find a way to look down on me?"

"I look down on those who need to rely on others, and when they do, they do not even acknowledge them."

"I still would have been able to take it if I had that sword." Ryuko grumbled.

"No, you wouldn't have." Satsuki roared. "In case you didn't notice, it was made of fibers, that sword would have cracked and been destroyed."

"Wow." Mikoto said. "You are just like in the show."

"What show?" Satsuki asked.

"It doesn't matter." Ryuko said as she walked over to the light, to examine the burns. "What matters is why you're here."

"It don't know, I was driving and suddenly I was in that coffee shop." Satsuki said more calmly. "And then I woke up in that bed, hearing this girl yelling after you ad you rushed toward a situation unprepared."

"Like I said-"

"If it weren't for your friend, Ryuko you would be dead, like that man over there on the floor!" Satsuki yelled.

"Wait, was it eating him?" Ryuko asked.

"Life Fibers don't eat people." Satsuki said. "They drink their blood."

"Then why is he laying mauled on the floor?" Mikoto asked.

"I don't know." Satsuki said. "We should get out of here before the authorities question us."

Sure enough, sirens were getting closer as they walked back to Satsuki's room.

Kill la RailgunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora