Dimensions and Diversions

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Ryuko glared at Quell from the other side of the jail cell. Anti-Skill didn't know about Life Fibers, so they left Senketsu on Quell, while Senketsu had went to his nutral form.

"Well, I don't think this cell is made for my Fun House." Quell said.

"Then why are you still here?" Ryuko grumbled.

"Because you look cute when you're angry!" Quell said cheerfully, looking like she forgot about the fight they had just had.

Ryuko grumbled about how being cute and angry are two different things. "While we're in here, do you mind telling me why you are here in the first place?"

Quell suddenly got a serious look in her eyes. "I don't know if I should tell you, but if I do, you won't remember once you get to your own world, so I guess I could. Where should I start? Erm. Well, I guess I should start with this, erm, what did you call it?"

Ryuko grumbled again, "He isn't an it. He is Senketsu, a god robe."

"Yeah! A god robe! Welp. I met him when he fell from the sky and made a big boom in the ground, ruining Artemis' favorite statue. I saved his life, because she was going to rip him to shreds using her Dark Asset." Quell made a slashing motion with her hands.

"I don't know who Artemis is or what Dark Asset is, but continue." Ryuko said.

"I already told you how it was my duty to keep order in the dimensions, so when I felt he wasn't from our dimension, I followed the disturbance that felt like him and found you here. And that's all I know." Quell said as she took a long breath.

"Ok. As much as that doesn't help me...do you know what this mark on my neck is?" Ryuko pointed at the ring that had started to look like it was dripping down her neck.

"Nope!" Quell said happily.

"Kssssshhhh" The door leading out of the room opened and let an officer into the room. "Quell? Someone has paid your bail. You are free to go."

"Quell! I knew you would get into trouble. God! If it weren't for Makorav for alerting me about that fight, you would still be in there!" A girl with red hair, red eyes and a black hat said as she grabbed Quell's ear. The girl stopped and looked at Ryuko, who was also bloody from the fight. "I'll pay her bail too."

Ryuko was shocked as the girl with the hat also grabbed Ryuko's ear.

"Artemiiiss! She started the fight! Why should you pay her bail too!?" Quell whined.

Artemis let go of Ryuko's ear and held out her hand in greeting. "I'm Artemis, I am so sorry for Quell's involvement in this."

Ryuko shook her hand. "I'm Ryuko-"

Quell interrupted her. "She is Ryuko Mavros!"

Ryuko felt a vein throb in her head as she gritted her teeth. "It's Matoi!"

Artemis looked confused, but just shrugged and led the group out of the station.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know where you came from Ryuko. Will you be fine if I just took Quell home?" Artemis said apologetically.

"No problem. Wait. Do you know anything about this mark on my neck?" Ryuko asked.

Artemis examined the mark and traced her finger over it. "Nope. Sorry. Oh, and also, sorry for this!" Before Ryuko could react, Artemis had grabbed Ryuko's hand and sent her into darkness.

Ryuko felt light headed as a sudden light appeared in front of her. A second later, she was standing in a room full of computers. "Where am I?"

Artemis walked over to a computer, checking files that seemed important, with faces and info on them. Ryuko saw Mikoto's face appear for a second, but dismissed it.

"Well, it looks like you aren't from this dimension. Care to tell me what you're doing here?" Artemis turned towards Ryuko.

"I don't know." Ryuko shrugged.

Artemis pulled out a phone from her pocket. "Nope. She doesn't." She closed the phone after a few more minutes of talking.

"They said it was safe for me to dimension shift you." Artemis said.

"Who is they?" Ryuko asked.

"No one you need to know about. I also heard that you had a sister with you?" Artemis raised her eyebrow questioningly.

Ryuko nodded.

"We'll also send her back with you." Artemis said as she grabbed Ryuko's arm. A few seconds of darkness later, and Ryuko found herself standing in their dorm.

"I thought you said you didn't know where I was supposed to go." Ryuko said.

"I hacked Academy City's computer system and found that you were a room mate with Mikoto Misaka." Artemis said calmly, like it wasn't illigal to hack a city's computers.

Kuroko had seen their entrance and nearly jumped out of her skin. She made a little squeak, drawing the attention of Mikoto and Satsuki.

"Ryuko?" Mikoto said. "Quell!?"

"Yeah, I don't know how to explain this." Ryuko said.

"Well, Artemis is going to send Ryuko and Satsuki back to their dimensions. Do you want to say bye? I always love hearing farewells!" Quell said sadistically.

"Is it true?" Mikoto asked. "Can you really send them home?"

Artemis nodded.

Mikoto got up and hugged Ryuko. Kuroko stared, shell shocked to have heard such a thing could happen.

Artemis waved her hand and a small vortex opened, showing the Mankanshoku house.

"We won't forget you Ryuko." Mikoto said, sniffling a little.

A loud ringing sounded through the room. Kuroko pulled out her phone and answered it. "This is Shirai Kuroko....REALLY!?.....I will be right there!....Railgun!?...Is it really that bad?....Wait.....The entire town is being attacked!?.... By what!?....Ism on my way!" Kuroko hung up the phone and explained what was just said.

"Uiharu just called, it seems like the entire city is being attacked by those monster things and none of our weaponry is working on them. They have called all of the level 5's in the city." Kuroko nodded towards Ryuko and Satsuki. "Bye. I'm sorry, but we have a huge emergency."

Ryuko nodded and turned toward the portal. She took a step toward it, but stopped. With a quick motion, she stole Bakuzan from Satsuki and slashed the portal in half. "Like hell I'm going to let my friends fight off monsters while I go back to my boring life."

"Ryuko. They last one you fought was almost able to kill you." Satsuki said.

"Yeah, and? Mom almost killed me. But I fought her again like the next day." Ryuko argued.

"You had Senketsu then." Satsuki said.

"I don't care. In case you forgot. I heal pretty fast." Ryuko said as she ran off with Bakuzan in her hand.

"Dammit!" Satsuki shouted as she chased after Ryuko.

Mikoto and Kuroko gave each other both glances as they started to chase after them too.

Artemis smiled and created another portal, motioning for Quell to follow. Quell shook her head and ran after the others.
You really want to fight Ryuko again don't you? Senketsu said as Quell began Life Fiber Synchronisation.

"Hahaha! Of course. She has moxie." Quell laughed as she followed the group to battle.

And so, the beginning of the end soon followed suit.

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