Ryuko Has A Tattoo Sissy!

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Ryuko walked up the stairs of the dorm, she did not feel anything. She felt empty.
Did Senketsu find someone else? Did he leave me on purpose? When we were falling through the sky, did he just see it as a chance to leave someone as weak and worthless as me? These thoughts echoed through Ryuko's mind as she walked into the dorm room to find Mikoto sitting up on the windowsill.

Ryuko ignored Mikoto and just lay on her makeshift bed. She waited for Mikoto to start scolding her, but she did nothing.

As Ryuko lay on her bed, she could hear the door of their room open as Kuroko walked in, not bothering to be silent.

"Sissy! Why is the delinquent's sister in here?" Kuroko said, loud enough for Mikoto to zap her to silence.

"Sh! Satsuki has not had very much rest. Why are you being so noisey at this hour?" Mikoto whisper shouted at Kuroko.

"Because, people have been being attacked by creepy things and I just can't feel like it has something to do with those other girls."

Ryuko sat up, feeling a stabbing pain in neck. She gasped as it started to grow larger and larger.

"Ryu!" Mikoto shouted as she kneeled down next to Ryuko. "What's wrong?"

Kuroko turned on the lights in the room, waking Satsuki and revealing the odd mark on Ryuko's neck. "You have a tattoo? You really are a delinquent!"

Mikoto looked at Ryuko, worried that Ryuko might have something terribly wrong.

Ryuko lay on the ground, panting from the pain that didn't seem to end, when suddenly it just stopped.

Satsuki looked down on her sister, examining the "tattoo". "Matoi. When did you get such a boring tattoo?"

Ryuko stared up into her sister's eyes. "I didn't get a tattoo! I have no idea what this thing is!"

Satsuki continued to stare at her sister, with a look that cold freeze a volcano. "I heard you talking about getting one. You and Mako sat in a tattoo parlor for about an hour, trying to pick ones that would match."

Ryuko blushed furiously, remembering how she and Mako heard a guy screaming in the room next to them and made them run from the shop. "It was a dumb decision, Mako decided to write on my face with a sharpie the next day when I was asleep."

Kuroko laughed, imagining Ryuko with drawn on cat whiskers.

Mikoto was unamused. "This is serious. Ryuko. When did you get this?"

Ryuko told her about how she saw it in the mirror earlier that day. "That would explain why you looked so red." Mikoto said. "It is just a thick black line that circles your neck."

Ryuko bolted up from the ground and ran into the bathroom. She stared in the mirror as she saw that the line had gotten thicker. "How!?"

A loud crash resounded through the room as the window shattered. Ryuko looked into the room to find Quell standing on top of Kuroko. "Woopsy!"

Ryuko grabbed her sword from the corner of the room, ready to fight Quell. Satsuki soon followed suit.

"Wow, this floor is squishy." Quell said as she looked down at Kuroko. "Oooh! It's an esper mat!"

Mikoto's bangs sparked with electricity. "Get off of Kuroko!" Mikoto said as she shot a lightning bolt at Quell, who jumped and dodged the attack easily.

Ryuko continued to stare at what Quell was wearing. Satsuki followed where Ryuko was looking at. "Is that?"

"Senketsu!" Ryuko shouted, full of rage. "I am going to kill you!"

Ryuko ran at Quell, with pure malice on her face, she swung the blade down with enough force to shatter it on the tough fabric of Senketsu. The broken blade did not deter Ryuko as she threw the handle toward the center of the room. She raised her fist, trying to connect it to Quell's face, but was met with a wall of glass.

"Senketsu, I think we made her mad." Quell said as Ryuko continued trying to land a punch.

Quell grabbed Ryuko's fist, surprised with how much force was behind it. Ryuko continued to apply as much force as she could while Quell stared at Ryuko's eyes, the iris' had turned a bright red, like rubies.

Suddenly a large boom could be heard as Satsuki struck at Quell from behind. Quell was thrown forward, through the front door of the room, Ryuko being thrown with her.

"How? You're just a human!" Quell shouted as Satsuki stood over her.

"You, are just a pig in a cloth made of Life Fibers. I am protecting my sister. I may be a human, but I have fought much worse." Satsuki brought the blade of Bakuzan down onto Quell.

There was a sudden burst of blood, but it was not Quell's. Satsuki stared at the crouching form of her sister, her hand holding back Satsuki's blade.

"This is my fight!" Ryuko on shouted, ignoring the gathering group of Tokiwadai girls. "I refuse to let Senketsu go without a fight!"
(Note: Kill la Kill is full of nonsense. Therefore, this book is also going to be full of nonsense.~Mako Mankanshoku
P.S. I really like this sign: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤)

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