Chapter 41

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Scarlett's POV:

“Scarlett, Scarlett wake up.” Feeling myself being shaken awake with the voice of Mesut’s to be echoing within the both of my ears I groaned, all in annoyance as I shook my head and in that moment, attempted to get back to sleep. But that did not seem to be on the agenda for Mesut by any means, as he just continued to shake me in his efforts of waking me up in such a proper way. “Oh for fuck sake Scarlett, will you just wake up?” With such annoyance now I noticed within his voice, as well as anger, I knew I had no other option than to wake up then in that moment. So I sat up, sighing and rubbing my eyes before looking at Mesut aside from me on the bed. “Oh it’s about time, finally, she decides to wake up.” Rolling his eyes as then.

“What time is it?” Sighing as I uttered those words I was to proceed to stretch myself in such a position that I was in, yawning and feeling ever so tired. Where in a response to my words, I heard Mesut comment on the fact that it was past noon. Causing me to widen my eyes just in such shock. How did I even manage to sleep this late without waking up in the slightest? I deep down though, of course, know the reason; the tiredness from this unexpected sense of a pregnancy of mine. So allowing myself to yet again sigh I looked at Mesut again, all of that argument between Mesut and I coming back to me from last night, the annoyance of it now to be spreading right the way across my face as now. “What do you want with me Mesut?”

Crossing my arms up against my chest as I uttered those words I looked at Mesut, waiting in that moment then for him to speak. Where before he did, a roll of the eyes was to form just then from him as he came to take a seat on the bed in front of you. “Well actually, I came to tell you that I’m going to Cris’s for a few hours.” Raising an eyebrow at me then, I could only see the anger and annoyance within me from how I was acting. But who can blame me? All I can think of is how I am going to tell Mesut I am pregnant, it is getting to me, making me all of a sudden turn into a person I know I am not. “But from the looks of things you’re still just angry about last night, our argument, so really, I don’t know why I even thought to bother.”

And as soon as those words had escaped out from his lips, Mesut stood up, shaking his head in the process. But as I stared at him completely shocked, I watched as Mesut began then to make his way ahead to the door of the bedroom to walk out. “Mesut wait…” Calling out in a sense of not wanting to leave things like this, with us both angry with each other, I was only to turn out to be hurt as a result of his actions. He did not even look at me, simply only then to walk out of the room. All without a word, without a single word to me. And I have to now admit to you, that even though it is partly my fault and my emotions causing arguments just like this one now, it honestly does hurt me. It hurts me more than I can even put into words.

Just a matter of seconds after and I heard the front door slam shut, all in a strong sense that I can describe to anger. This was all my fault, I had caused this. I had caused this ever so bad atmosphere around us, the tension of it all. And it made me realise that I need to tell Mesut the truth, I need to tell him I am pregnant with him child or else things will only get much of worse between us. But the question is; how do I tell him, and, how is he going to react as of a result of it? Those are the two things I need to know, the two things which will help me to break the news to him. But how will I be able to do it, how will I be able to find that all out?

Who knows Mesut well enough to give me the information I need?

It was only then when it came to me, the person in which knows Mesut enough in order for me to get the information I needed. And no, it was not anyone involving his family, and so it was instead a close friend of his. Sergio. He is the one person which is close to Mesut which I speak frequently to, and he will know what I should do about the situation. Of course, it is in my opinion a little drastic to tell Mesut’s friend I am pregnant before telling him himself, but I am left with no other option. Sergio is my friend as well as Mesut’s and I need an opinion if I am completely honest with you, I need to know what it is I can do. And right now in such a way as to how I am feeling, Sergio is my one and only hope in all of this situation right now.

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