Chapter 20

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Mesut’s POV:

I stayed completely frozen and silent on the spot that I was stood on, not being able to move even a single one of my muscles let alone utter the slightest of words from my mouth. Speechless is a word best suited for the state that I was in right about now at this present moment as I know for a fact that if I were to go as far as attempting to let a trail of words escape from my lips, then the likelihood of it would be that my train of speech would not make even the slightest bit of sense to either myself or Scarlett for a matter of fact. What the hell was going through my mind at that moment is beyond me. Telling Scarlett that I love her in my native language was a problem waiting to happen, trouble in itself. So for whatever the reason may be, being the idiot that I am, I got far too lost in the pleasure that I was feeling at that moment which resulted to me blurting it out without thinking it through beforehand.

This is Scarlett that we are talking about after all, the queen of questioning, so it baffles me to see that I did not think that she would be asking me about it just as she just so happens to be doing right now, awaiting somewhat impatiently for my response. I really was such a fool to think otherwise on this certain occasion of the subject. All that I really now want to happen at the moment is to get sucked up from the ground that I am stood on and get eaten away to oblivion so that I no longer have to be faced with this situation that I am in. I am just completely lost for words at the minute and even when my words do eventually come back to me, I can not picture myself explaining the real meaning to those words that I idiotically allowed to slip from my lips – Ich liebe dick, Scarlett. Instead I am now left with no other option than to tell a little white lie to her and we all know exactly what I am like when it comes to lying, I do not have the ability in doing so and to make it believable.

“Mesut, are you even listening to me?” Came the sound of Scarlett from in front of me as she continuedto keep her legs wrapped tight around my waist for balance. Using that sweet and breathtaking sound of her voice that she possesses as a distraction towards me once it was let out into the open of the extremely small spaced cubical toilet here at the restaurant. Where still I stayed to be deep inside of her with my cock which was penetrating her insides. But not under any circumstances did I try to make even a minimal amount of effort to move as still, I was frozen on the spot. “Can you just tell me what you meant by ‘Ich liebe dich, Scarlett’ please or am I going to be forced to carry on this guessing game with you?” She laughed, keeping her arms wrapped around the back of my neck just like before as she continued to play with each individual strand of hair on the back of my head.

As soon as she uttered those words it gave off the hint that no matter how much I did not want to, I would have to speak up fairly soon if I did not expect a raging Scarlett to come at me in full force. After all I can not expect to stay silent forever as at some point, whether I want to or not, I will have to eventually speak and open up my lips again. But as I previously said; there is no way that I am going to be able to tell her the true meaning of what those words mean, as much as it will pain me to do I will have to lie to her. Perhaps in the future I will tell her the real meaning if things continue to float along well between us but I can not see what the future holds at this precise moment. So all that I can do is wait and see before going any further.

So with a quick cough to clear my throat, I soon started to work on my response. “It means…er…well it means that I er…” There was no hope left in this world for me as no matter how hard I tried I physically could not let something that actually makes sense escape from my lips. Lying really is a hard thing to conquer and to anybody that is capable of going ahead with it, you deserve some sort of medal as I am already being led to believe that I am not gifted with the lying ability. But nevertheless, that did not stop me and I soon continued. “Ok, right.” I took a deep breath in and then out before carrying on further. “It means that…well it means that you’re amazing.” I blurted out all at once in quite a high volume of voice, proud that I had eventually let the squirming words release from my lips. “Yes that’s it; it means that you’re amazing. You…you’re amazing.” I smiled increasingly nervously at her.

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