Chapter 45

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Mesut's POV:

I just stared longingly as a result of the news which Scarlett had brought to me, nothing but a strong sense of shock running through me. This could not be happening, this could not be the reason why Scarlett has been acting so strange with me recently, can it? I mean surely it must be some sort of joke, right? She cannot be pregnant, I would know, we both would, all a hell of a lot sooner than this. I mean come on, two months down the line and she is just to happen to realise now? To me it does not make any sense, to me, it seems like some sort of a sick joke which Scarlett is playing on me right now. But deep down, could it be the truth?

And, if it is the truth, then I really cannot believe it. I cannot believe there is a baby, now just to be growing inside the woman I love, growing inside Scarlett right in front of me. A baby in which is mine, my own flesh and blood, a mini Scarlett and a mini Mesut. With the longer all in which Scarlett looks at me now, and I look back at her, noticing no sigh of a laugh, or even a smirk to appear across her anytime soon, it seems to me as if this is the truth. That I am all to become a father, in the upcoming seven months, that we will have our little boy, or, even our little girl, in our arms shortly. But even though this does seem like to be the truth now, it does not seem real. I feel like I am in some kind of dream, or even, a nightmare at that now.

You can call me heartless all you want as a result of what I just said, that this is a nightmare, but I do not feel like as if I am ready. I am not ready to become a father yet, not all this soon into our relationship anyway. Yes, I have known Scarlett for many years and I have felt all of a lot for this woman for a lot of that time, but I do not feel like we can bring a child all in the world yet. I have so much growing up to do, I am still young in some people's minds. So how the hell am I expected to bring up a child? Some say that it does not matter what age which you are, but you can still bring up a child, but that does not seem right to me. In my opinion, I have to feel ready to be able to take on this responsibility, yet, right now, I do not feel that.

We have been together what, a few months at the most? What couple do you know all that have brought a child into the world after this short amount of time together? Well of course in my own opinion, I do not know any. Everyone I know which have children, have waited all a hell of a lot longer than Scarlett and I obviously have. They were all in proper relationships, which have gone on for many years, some even married before they take up the option only to have children. That seems not to have been the case with Scarlett and I from the looks all of it, we have not gone in the normal route of a relationship to starting a family. Things all in my opinion have gone too fast with us and I am scared with where this may leave us as well.

Even though I feel like this though, I know I cannot admit that to Scarlett. There is no way, at all, that I can turn around to her and tell her everything I just said to you. This would for sure break her heart in two, force her away from me, and possibly break us up. And, even though I feel like I am not ready to become a father, that does not stop the love I have for Scarlett. I love her so much, more than words can describe, and I do not want to put an end to that all in the slightest. I want to be with her forever, and I just wish, this unexpected event had not happened to us so soon. So for the good of Scarlett and I as a couple I know I am now not to have any choice but to act happy, in order to be able to keep her as mine, and not hurt her.

"W-what did you just say?" I asked in a stutter, still looking at her just as shocked by it.

Scarlett looked at me, and deep into the both of my eyes, all before she was then to tuck all a strand of hair behind her ear and proceed to respond to me. "I-I'm pregnant Mesut, yes, I am pregnant with your child." To me and with the way she let those words slip out her lips, I could tell she was ever so nervous with it all. And from that look upon her face there as well, it seemed like she was scared and worried with the way that I was going to act by it. And so I have to admit, that is one of the many reasons why I cannot tell her my true feelings, to how I feel about all of this. It will only break her heart, all as I keep saying to you. "I-I am now two months pregnant with your baby Mesut, i-in seven months, you'll be a daddy t-to our baby."

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