Chapter 23

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Scarlett’s POV:

I guess you could say that things between me and Mesut have been nothing shy of perfect ever since we told one another exactly how we felt, which just so happens to be a couple of days ago now. There has not been any moment in my life, in which I can recall; where I have felt the way I do now. It has been proved to me what some say; that just one person can enlighten you to a different way of seeing things after coming into your life. As that is exactly what Mesut has done, but there is only one difference there; he did not enlighten me from the moment that we met all of those years ago. But enlightened me the second he dropped the bombshell of his feelings.

The very same smile stuck upon my face in that very moment we were both sat on the bench explaining how we felt has not budged, not even for a simple second. It has remained high and proud across my lips and that, well that is something that I never ever want to change. Around Mesut I am the happiest that I have ever been and that sort of feeling is priceless, it shows that money can not buy you this sort of happiness. But finding the one person that you realise you can be without can, in my case Mesut. Nothing has grown official between us both as of yet but with the way that things have been going over the recent days, who knows what the future holds?

All that I have to say is that I am excited. Excited to see how things may progress.

“Can you change the channel?” The sound of my younger brother’s voice came out with in a rather stressed and frustrated tone. But seeing as I am to be the demanding and controlling older sister, there was no way that I was going to listen to even a single word that he said. So instead of changing the channel I just left it on, allowing one of the repeats of ‘Friends’ to play along happily to itself. “I don’t want to watch this anymore, its rubbish. I want proper TV on!” I know that I should not have, but with the way that Tom was getting so stressed over it I could not help but let a giggle escape my lips. Annoying my brother has always been a big achievement of mine

But as soon as I had overcome my little giggling and making fun of my brother stage, I looked over at him and wagged the TV controller before me. “No, I’m not changing the channel, especially after you called this not ‘proper TV’. It’s ‘Friends’, what is better than this anyway?” Acting a little surprised and shocked over his use of words towards possibly my favourite TV show of all time, I rolled my eyes and turned back to focus my attention on the screen. But that was of course before Tom let out a sigh of annoyance. “Look, if you don’t like it then go upstairs to your room. Mum left me in changer so what I say goes, got it? There’s nothing you can do about I’m afraid.”

Just as I had finally shut Tom up from his constant moaning, there was only another person that added themselves into my frustration. And that person only happened to be one double the size of Tom, Mesut to be precise. “He has a good point you know.” The German let slip his lips from beside me, a large smirk plastered right the way across his lips as he held me close to him. “I mean in my own opinion this isn’t exactly what I would call proper TV. What sort of amusement can you honestly get out of these bad jokes that some people strangely find funny? I’m sorry, but I really can’t see it.” Smirking still, he looked at me, somewhat trying to get some reaction.

And let me tell you something, a reaction is most certainly exactly what he got. “Oh yeah, what would you class as proper TV then smart ass?” Raising my eyebrows at him as I let a loud breathy sigh of frustration slip my lips, I interrupted the silence among us just before he was even able to get a word in. “Don’t tell me, football?” To which he immediately nodded his head at me, Tom too. “Well be my guest and put it on then, here you go.” Without uttering a single word more I placed the controller on Mesut’s chest and leant back against the sofa, crossing my arms tight against my chest. It is near enough impossible to watching anything without being interrupted.

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