Chapter 6

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Scarlett’s POV:

“Scarlett.” My name was being called from beside me as I was half awake yet half asleep. But I refused to open my eyes. There was no way that that was going to happen. I just wanted to fall back into the deep sleep which I was having not long ago. “Scar.” Again my name was called. But that didn’t make my eyes open at all – not even flicker open and then shut again. Oh no. They just stayed firmly shut as I attempted on getting back into that deep sleep I was previously having. A wonderful deep and well deserved sleep. And there I was, slowly drifting off into the unknown -which I call sleep.

“Scarlett just wake up.” The noise of that very same voice flowed through my ears yet again. But this time it was a lot louder than before. “Scar, it’s just gone 3, wake up for fuck sake.” This time the voice was almost a shout instead of friendly yet soft tone. Ignoring the voice yet again I attempted on trying to get back to sleep.

I was almost there but was rudely interrupted by someone shaking me in a great attempt to fully wake up. “Wake up for fuck sake!” The voice began getting recognisable. It was Mesut. But still I refused to open my eyes, keeping them tightly shut in hope that Mesut would just leave me be and let me rest. But this is Mesut we are talking about here; of course he wasn’t going to give in

“Scarlett if you don’t get up in 5 seconds I am going to physically pick you up out of that bed and throw you in the pool in the garden. At least that way you will actually co-operate with me, well hopefully anyway.” I heard Mesut say from beside me. Still he was shaking me in an attempt to find some sort of motion coming from me. But being the stubborn bitch I am, I refused.

“Fine if you’re going to be like that.” He huffed. “5—4—3—2…” It was at that moment when he was just about to get to 1 that I realised the seriousness in his voice. Immediately that told me that he was in no way shape or form joking. He was in fact being one hundred percent serious.

Letting out a moan and grunt of annoyance I slowly opened my eyes and sat up on the bed. My eyes immediately squinted together from the brightness of the room – due to the curtains being open. My head was pounding, I had the driest mouth and I felt sick. What else could possibly be wrong with me? Oh yeah that’s it, I needed sleep, and a lot of it at that. “Mesuuuut, why did you have to wake me up?” I moaned out. “If you can’t tell I really need to sleep and I feel disgusting.”

“Well maybe last night will teach you a lesson that next time we go out for some dinner you won’t over do it and drink near enough two bottles of wine to yourself.” He let out, the tone in his voice showed that he was trying to play the rather roll on me – which may I tell you wasn’t working at all. “And that is the last time I am ever carrying you to bed and getting you settled, you were an absolute mess.” He laughed – the father roll slowly disappearing.

“I’m aloud, we were celebrating weren’t we?” I pointed out, my eyes still squinting together. But I soon opened them and turned to Mesut seeing him fully clothed and changed in the hat, vest,shorts, and trainers and of course sunglasses which he had chosen to wear. “Where have you been anyway?” I questioned, looking a little confused at him while covering one side of my face – blocking the shinning sun away from my face.

This really is the only downside of living in Madrid – the sun constantly shinning through the windows when you want sleep. Urgh, so annoying.

Shaking his head a little at me and letting a small laugh out of his mouth, Mesut soon replied. “Well unlike you I actually had things to do today instead of just staying in bed all day. If you’ve forgotten already or maybe it’s just the hangover taking its toll on you, but I am a professional footballer which involved training nearly every day.” He reminded me in a sarcastic tone. It wasn’t like I had actually forgotten though; it just takes me a while to process things when I’m in this state of mind.

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