Chapter 7

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Mesut’s POV:

I squeezed all my training gear into my bag as I towered over it in nothing but my boxers. Which included my shorts, shirt, shoes and of course a bottle of water. It really is crazy how I can fit some quite spacious essentials into such a small bag. I’m telling you; this bag is just like narnia. No matter how many objects I find myself putting into the bag, there is still plenty of room inside. Whoever invented bags such as this one deserves a nobel prize or some sort of award. They are an absolute genius.

Kicking my bag towards the side of the room, I soon made my way over towards the bed. The sound of Scarlett banging around in her room beside me flowed through my eyes. You see, this is exactly whatever I have to put up with every morning – especially if she’s in a rush for work, like she is today. It’s just typical woman-like behaviour really isn’t it? Rushing around in the morning to try and get ready after sleeping in. I’m not even the one to blame this time. I went into her room to wake up and yes she did wake up, but typical Scarlett fell straight back to sleep once I walked out of her room.

Shaking my head at the thought with a slight smirk across my lips, I took my vest from on the bed into each hand. Pulling it over my head I soon straightened it out around my torso. A few moments later and I held me shorts out in front of me before slipping each leg inside the two holes. Pulling them up to my waist I soon tied them up in a short bow. Sitting myself down on the bed, I threw my shoes down onto the floor. Slipping each foot into my trainers, I was quick to do them up.

Standing up from the bed I took my sunglasses in my hands and placed them over my eyes before grabbing my hat and sticking it on top of my head. Taking a quick glance in the mirror at my appearance I soon bent down and grabbed my bag.

I swear, I really can be such a girl at times. Right now is a pure example of that as I’m finding myself fixing how I look just to go to training. And all I’m going to do is sweat and get all dirty again. So I really don’t see the point in it at all. But that’s just modern day footballers for you really; we’re always fixing ourselves up even before matches. Like Cristiano and Sergio; the two of them must go through about a tub of hair gel between them on match day. Typical of the two of them really though, I expect no different from them.

Placing my bag on my back with one of the straps, I soon made my way towards the beside table. Taking my phone from it I soon put it in my pocket and began making my way out of the bedroom. Again checking myself out in the mirror in the process – I guess things like this have just rubbed off of Cristiano or Sergio and onto me.

Once out of the bedroom I headed towards Scarlett’s room beside mine. “Are you ready yet?” I asked while knocking on the door – not wanting to intrude in case she wasn’t ready yet.

“Mes, you can come in.” I heard her sigh; still I could hear the sound of her banging about in there. Seriously…what is she doing?

So with that I opened the door, finding her placed in front of the mirror adjusting the bun she had on top of her head. The sight I saw when I entered was unreal. I’m telling you now; it’s a good thing that I had my sunglasses on at this point due to what she wearing. That top just complimented her breasts so well and that short black skirt she had on also made her figure look…well unreal. I know I shouldn’t be looking at things like this but honestly if you were in my position right now then it would be a little hard not to. I’m only human; it’s male instinct anyway, right?

It was at that moment when I soon came out of the strange train of thoughts which I was having when I noticed Scarlett walk towards the bed and sat down onto it. Leaning against the doorframe, I watched as she put on her heels and sunglasses before standing up and placing herbag on her forearm.

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