Chapter 26

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Mesut's POV:

Standing over the sleeping beauty it is Scarlett in bed I could not help other than let a smile appear across my lips, admiring and taking in the sight of her led there. Words really cannot describe how beautiful and peaceful she looked there, wrapped up under the duvet as she hugged the pillow I was once resting on close to her body. A big smile presenting itself right the way across her lips, melting my heart and causing the smile upon my own lips to grow all that much larger from the sight. But the thought of knowing I have to wake her up soon is a daunting process, not only because I do not want to ruin the sight I have before me led right the way across our bed, but also the fact that we all know Scarlett is not a morning person.

So leaning myself down over the bed I softly rested my hand on Scarlett’s shoulder, giving it a soft shake in an attempt to wake her up. To which her first reaction was to let a loud groan out from her lips, following in by shuffling around the bed while holding the pillow propped in her arms tighter than ever. I could not help but let out a shy giggle from the sight of all in which was happening, shaking her shoulder again but this time harder. “Babe, you need to start thinking about getting up soon.” Whispering into her ear as I pressed my lips softly up against it, I kissed it slightly. “You’ve got your photo shoot in a couple of hours and we know how long it’s going to take you to get ready.” Smiling I watched her turn more, being awake.

“It’s not until a little later on, I’ve got plenty of time.” Letting out in a grumble still with her eyes closed she held onto my wrist from holding onto her shoulder, pulling it down onto the bed beside her. “My alarm’s set anyway, just please let me go back to sleep for a little while longer.” Pleading with the tone of voice she was using which was mixed with the tiredness inside of her I laughed, nodding my head despite her not being able to see due to having her eyes closed still. And it seemed to me as if she understood the action of me moving back my arm to by my side as an indication that I was going to let her continue to sleep, to which it is exactly that. “Thanks Mes. I’ll see you later on though, yeah?” Smiling at me with shut eyes.

“Of course you will.” Smiling to myself as I picked my bag up with my training gear inside it was then that I leant down further towards Scarlett, pressing my lips softly against the top of her head. “I’ll see you when I come back from training. Just make sure you get up when you’re alarm goes off please, and also, have a good day.” And with a grumble of agreement coming from Scarlett’s lips as she seemed to be half asleep I let a shy giggle escape out from my lips, moving them apart from her forehead. And with that I wasted no time in making my way out of the bedroom, sitting one strap to my bag on one of my shoulders before I made my way down the stairs. Grabbing my car keys from the side, I walked outside of the house.

Starting the engine of the car once I had gotten myself inside and all buckled up, it was then in which I started my short journey ahead of Valdebebas. Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel in tune ofBeyoncé – Drunk In Love playing at a reasonable volume in the case as the slightest of smiles appeared across my lips, coming to the realisation over how much in my life has changed since I last made this very same car journey. Last time I was a confused sort of man, not knowing where I stood with the woman I love. Now look at me, I have all that I could ever possibly want in life, working on things with Scarlett – the woman of my dreams.

Not to mention that I know for a fact Sergio and possibly Karim also are going to be wanting to know all of the details involving mine and Scarlett’s times in Wales – and when I sat all of the details, I really do mean all of them. From the fact of us both being caught having sex by her parents to the passionate moment we shared in the bathroom to the restaurant we ate at that night. And knowing what Sergio is like with that sexual mind of his he will not be as interested in the moment I expressed my love to her, just the sexual content. But then again that is just what these two men are like, they get a kick out of everybody else’s gossip but when the limelight is shining down on them they absolutely hate it, well Karim does at least.

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