Chapter 19

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Mesut’s POV:

As I followed the waiter further inside of the quiet little restaurant that I had booked especially for tonight with Scarlett, we were quickly allocated to out seats in the far corner of the room to make sure that it was out of the way from everybody else so we could try to enjoy the night without any distractions from anybody else – fans for instance. Do not get my wrong, I have no problem in meeting fans to sign a few autographs and pose in a couple of pictures. But for tonight I wanted a nice chilled night with Scarlett, my fame being pushed to the side to forget that it even existed for one night only. Anyway, the second that we reached the table I found a large smile set across my face on seeing that it was set out exactly how I had requested for it to be: all different scents of candles spread out all around the place and a bottle of champagne place in the centre of the table. You can not get anymore romantic than that, can you? Well, I could have asked for rose petals but that would give away the whole concept of why I had brought Scarlett here tonight and she would start to ask questions no doubt. And I just wanted to get to that part a little later on, not now.

You see, after proposing to Scarlett that I needed to get something off of my chest, I thought that the best place to do something like that would be at a nice and quiet little restaurant here in the heart of town. And in all honesty I was nervous for what was about to unfold over the course of the night, extremely nervous. I did not really want to have to do this but with blurting it out earlier on when we were lying in bed I was left with no other option, taking in the fact that I am not one that is gifted with the lying on the spot ability. Usually I just burn up in redness and start to stutter when put in a situation like that so this is my only option, no matter how nerve wracking it may be for me now. So why the hell I even thought for a second at the time to let the words come out of my mouth I do not know. I have dug myself an extremely large hole, a hold that I am unable to shovel my way out of no matter how hard I keep on consistently trying to do. Perhaps it was just a spare of the moment thing without thinking things through before letting it slip from my lips, maybe even word vomit that was only supposed to stay inside of my mine instead of being let out. I will never know I guess but one thing is for sure and that is that I am extremely optimistic in how things will pan out; I just do not want to be rejected by Scarlett…

“Aw Mes, this is really cute.” Scarlett smiled on looking around as I pulled her chair out a little for her to sit down onto it. “Hang on a minute, you’re being a gentleman.” Her eyebrows furrowed. “Is there something that you aren’t telling me on why you’ve actually brought me here tonight?” She asked in a concerned tone, keeping her eyes fixed onto me as I walked around to the opposite end of the small little table to take my own seat. On shaking my head sharply at her words to try and remove that thought out of her mind, I noticed her looking back at me with a face full of seriousness. “I’m not kidding now Mesut; there is something different about you tonight. You’re acting weird and cute with me so there is definitely something wrong, so what is it? Go on, tell me or I will get it all out of you by myself!”

As soon as Scarlett had let those extremely questioning sentenced out to me I immediately froze in my seat, nervous and worried that she may all of a sudden jump to the real conclusion on why I have really brought her here. Some may thing that I am acting stupid about it all now but there is always a possibility that she could, Scarlett is a smart woman I will have you know and is not one to be mocked. So instead of panicking and making an even bigger deal out of things as that may show the signs off more to her, I simply tried to remain as calm as I possibly could I acting like my usual self. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about right now Scar, you’ve lost me. I’m absolutely fine anyway.” I laughed, looking straight into her eyes with a small ounce of hope that she may stop from going any further with this questioning side. “I just thought that we could have a nice night out for dinner tonight. You know, to get away from all of the drama back at your house.”

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