Chapter 27

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Scarlett's POV:

“Mesut please, I’m serious now. Can you just tell me the reason why you’ve suddenly now decided to take me out to dinner? Instead of letting me cook like we originally planned for me to do?” Slipping my dress on across my body as I stood in front of the mirror in now our room I looked at Mesut through the reflection of the mirror, noticing a large smirk plastered up across his lips. A look of confusion upon me as I continued looking over in the reflection in a patient waiting game to see if he was going to respond, but odds are that he really will just keep his mouth shut. As per usual in situations like these really, so typical of him. “Mes come on, you can’t keep this no talking game of yours up forever, you’ll eventually tell me.”

You see, ever since late afternoon today when he came back from training Mesut has all of a sudden been acting strange with me, abnormal to his usual self really. After the preparation I put in place ahead of dinner tonight after lounging about all day Mesut came skipping into the house demanding to take me out to dinner, that familiar wide smile of his plastered all the way across his lips. And if it was not for that smile of his then I know for a fact that there is no way I would have questioned him on it, I simply would have left him to it without even a single questioning through cross my mind. But that smile told me all that I needed to know in the matter; that he is up to something. And let me tell you, I will get to the bottom of this.

Peering back at me through the reflection of the mirror that very same smirk continued with staying plastered right across his lips, a sense of proudness smothering deep upon him. “I’ve told you time and time again Scar, it’s just a dinner.” Shrugging his shoulders in his own way to somewhat stop me from thinking he carried on buttoning up his shirt, one button to the other with his eyes stuck to me in doing so. “I just thought you deserved a break seeing as recently ever since we came back from Wales all you’ve done is wake up, go to work if they need you in and come home to cook us both dinner. Really, what’s so wrong in a break for once babe?” Smiling at me I knew his intention was to send me at ease, but it did not work.

“You know, I would believe you Mes…” Walking away from in front of him as I straightened out my dress across my body it did not take me long to take a seat on the bed, slipping my shoes on one by one as I continued looking at him. Noticing as he waited for me to carry on with my words as he slipped on his jeans, eagerness somewhat shown upon his face. “Like I said; I would believe you Mes but…with that look on your face now it’s deeming impossible for me to do so.” Smirking he looked at me with his mouth wide opened, trying to tell me he knew nothing of the sort in which I was going on about. When in reality, we both know just what I was going on about. “Come on, that smile on your face gives it all away to me Mes.”

“Like I said babe, I really don’t know what you’re talking about.” Smirking wider than ever at me he wasted no time in turning around, facing me as he done the buttons up to his jeans as he tucked his shirt in with them. The smirk upon his lips only increasing in size the longer he looked at me, noticing the uncertainty in how he was acting upon me. “You overthink too much Scar, that’s your problem. All I’m doing is taking you out to dinner, treating you, so if you wouldn’t mind; stop with these theories or whatever they are in your head right now.” So with that the smirk upon his lips disappeared, being replaced with a simple sort of look.

Rolling my eyes at his words with a shake of the head a smirk soon appeared across my lips, directing it over towards Mesut as he slipped on his shoes one by one in a standing position from in front of me. “Hurry up then Mes, I’m hungry.” Teasing him in a rushed tone of voice he looked up at me, giving me a death glare and purposely taking his time in tying his shoe laces up. Is this man for real right now? “Mesut I’m serious, I’m hungry and you really aren’t helping me by taking your time.” Standing up from the bed I pouted my lip, taking my clutch from behind me and looking down at the German as he continued. Luckily enough for me in a couple of seconds he was soon done, standing up to leave ahead of the restaurant tonight.

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