Chapter 24

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Scarlett’s POV:

The words that slipped from my mother’s lips earlier on in the kitchen still continued to run through my mind, sending a smirk across my own lips – ‘But don’t worry, I won’t tell them what the real celebration is.’That wink that she directed over to me straight after is the only reason in which this smirk is present across my lips, if she had just walked out of the kitchen without bothering with a wink then it would be a different story. You see, my mother is not one to take gossip very well and she always ends up having to blurt it out at all of the wrong times. For reasons such as this I am slightly worried, worried over the fact that at any time through tonight’s meal she could broadcast exactly what is going on between Mesut and I.

And with my father also present tonight, the worry is only increasing by the second.

Sat on the bed in my room here at my parent’s home with my make-up bag placed down in front of me, I sighed heavily. A whole hour Mesut has been in that bathroom to take just a shower, and still to this second now he has not shown any sign to lead me to believe that he will be out anytime soon. Frustration is an understatement to how I am feeling, if I had my own way then I would break down the door and drag him out if I have to. But with this being my parent’s home, I suspect that they would not appreciate my actions if that was to be the case. “Mes, are you going to hurry up in there?” Calling out to him as I spread myself out on the bed in my clothes for the meal, there was no sign of a response coming from him at all.

With yet again another sigh escaping from my lips I got myself up, walking over towards the bathroom door. But the second that I was about to press my knuckles against the door and knock as loud as I possibly could something stopped me, or rather somebody for a matter of fact. Yes, surprisingly enough it was Mesut. Not him speaking as such, but singing if I am to be precise. “I’ve been drinking, I’ve been drinking. I get filthy when that liquor get into me. I’ve been thinking, I’ve been thinking.” The second in which I heard Mesut start to sing in a rather squeaky tone of voice, I no longer had control over my actions as I burst out into a loud ray of laughter. Still hearing him hum the song away, unaware I was listening in on him.

But as I stayed with my ear up against the door to listen in to Mesut’s rather poor singing, I realised exactly how long I had been in that position for. A little too long to be exact. Thus, without a second to spare I started knocking violently on the door to catch the attention of the German inside. “Seriously Mesut, I’m not joking now!” Yelled at the top of my lungs, my knuckles smacked against the door as hard as they possibly could. “Can you just let me in so I can do my make-up? We’re running late as it is thanks to you spending a whole hour in the shower!” Pulling the door handle I came to terms with the fact that it was locked, that idiot inside had locked himself in. but of course, I suspect that he had done this all intentionally.

Turning my back to the door as I heard no form of a response from Mesut on the other side of it, I sighed heavily to myself before taking my previous seat back on the bed again. If he is not going to hurry himself up in the bathroom then the only other option I had left in order to be ready on time is to do my make-up in the front camera to my phone. So with that I reached for my phone on the bedside table and began to apply make-up to my face, more annoyed than ever before. But just a matter of seconds later after I had started with my make-up, the annoyance within me increased. As right at that very second the sound of the bathroom door opening rang through my ears, producing Mesut in nothing but just a towel.

Looking over at him with an extremely unpleased look upon my face as I held my phone in one hand and my foundation brush in the other, he looked back full of confusion but with a rather large smirk upon his lips before speaking. “Wow, if looks could kill right now then I really would be dead.” Smirking as he walked over towards the bed I sat on to grab his own boxer shorts, I crossed my arms against my chest to portray an even dirtier look over at him which caused him to go no further. “What’s the matter with you? We’re all going out for a nice meal to celebrate your newly modelling career, so you can turn that frown of yours upside down please.” Laughing, he pushed my lips upwards to force me to smile up at him.

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