Chapter 14

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Scarlett’s POV:

Still Mesut and I were on a hunt to try and find a decent looking club to spend the night in. This has taken the best part of 45 minutes, constantly walking up and down the streets here in Wales but nothing has quite caught the eye. And here I am, absolutely freezing with only the smallest amount of body heat from Mesut as his arm was still wrapped firmly around my body to stop me from getting any colder.

I mean, don’t get me wrong there are plenty of clubs here in the heard of the town of Wales. But each and every one we have past throughout this long and dragging amount of time really hasn’t suited either of our tastes. I’ve even found Mesut here refusing to go into certain clubs I quite fancied going into, complaining that they ‘aren’t his sort of scene’. I’m sorry but he’s a professional footballer, one which hardly ever drinks even a sip of alcohol throughout the calendar year – besides special occasions of course. So what really does he know about a club being his ‘sort of scene’ that he’s been referring to time and time again throughout the night?

You know what, I think I might have actually caught on to what he means by that completely now. Well he’s a footballer isn’t he? So one of the only times they get to have a decent amount of alcohol is when they win a trophy. In conclusion I think his idea of a ‘the perfect scene’ is on a football field with the trophy in front of him as he and the team consume so much alcohol and mess around with one another. Well I’m sorry to disappointment you but here in Wales we aren’t exactly used to some of our clubs winning a trophy. Besides Swansea with last seasons Capital One Cup win, but that’s a different story and in my opinion was only a one off. As well as a hint of luck.

“Mes seriously, can we just go into the next club we see please? I’m absolutely freezing right now.” I sighed, holding onto the German which was towering over me as close as possible. Trying to contain the most amount of body heat off of him as possible. Although, the feeling of my freezing cold clutch back propped under my arms didn’t help matters at all. If anything it only made me even colder than before.

As those words came from my mouth I looked up at Mesut whom was simply shaking his head at my words. And from what I could make out he had a small but fairly growing smirk upon his face. It seemed as if he found this amusing or somewhat. Well I’m sorry but there is nothing amusing about me near enough freezing out here tonight.

“I don’t know how many times I’ve got to tell you this Scar; we’re not just going into any old club. It’s got to be nice and that’s final.” He eventually responded with, a clear breach of a demanding tone to his voice as he spoke. But I came to a holt, stopping in my tracks as I looked up at him, freezing, as my teeth chattered together and gave him a look mixed with both annoyance and frustration. “If you’re really that cold then just wear my jumper.”

I looked at him strange, rolling my eyes at his words. “Well for one it isn’t going to go with my dress Mesut, you out of all people should know that. And two, you’ll get cold.” I protested, removing my arms from around him as I buried myself deep into his chest with crossed arms, looking straight at him in the eyes.

But all he responded with was a quick laugh as I watching him remove his arm from around me to take his jumper off. “Look, it’s either wear this and get warm or not wear it and continue with your complaining on how cold it is. Besides, you only have to wear it until we finally get into a club then you can take it off if it mean that much to you with what you look like.” He explained, holding the jumper out in front of me to take it. But I shot him a look that I was unsure on this idea, all due to the fact that of course he’ll just be in a shirt and the weather out here tonight is on another level. “Honestly I’ll be fine, just stop worrying about me and stick this thing on.”

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