Chapter 9

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Scarlett’s POV:

I woke up the following morning. In the exact same position in which I remembered falling asleepin last night, in Mesut’s arms. They were wrapped firmly around my body as my head rested on his muscular chest as well as my hands slightly resting on it also. It may not sound comfortable to you, but trust me when I say that it is. Come to think it, much comfier than sleeping on your average pillow in my opinion. This really needs to happen more often in my opinion; I just get a much better sleep this way.

But then it hit me like a tone of bricks. All the reminders of what had happened between Mesut and I came flooding back into my mind almost instantly. We kissed. But not just a small little peck which is of course known with Mesut and I seeing as we are so close. Oh no. From what I remember this kiss had meaning, and a lot of it at that. The passion which was brought into it as well…I just don’t know what to think of it all. It’s not like it was just the once either, instead we kissed a multiple of times. And yes, strangely I did enjoy it. But he’s my best friend for god sake, this can’t be right. Or am I just over reacting?

For all I know last night might have just happened seeing as the two of us were under the influence of alcohol. No that can’t be it. I mean the both of us weren’t exactly the drunkest of people. We were just on the jolly stage, maybe a bit more. So there is no way that it was the alcohol talking by no means. Well if it wasn’t the alcohol then what was it?

I mean yeah I may have thought that Mesut and I have been close to kissing a couple of times recently. But then again what do I know? I always misread things so that clearly wasn’t the case at all. We were probably just simply close to another’s faces. And that is all. Well I think so anyway…

Oh what the heck. Why am I trying to cover up something was blatantly clear and obvious? Mesut and I have come close to kissing a couple of times recently and last night it finally happened. There you go, I’ll hold my hands up and admit it. We kissed. And like I’ve already said; I liked it, I mean like I really enjoyed it. Weird I know, but you can’t help how you fell, right?

But the one thing I’m not sure about is how Mesut will feel about all of this when he wakes up. And more importantly, how the hell will I act around him? Urgh, I hate getting myself into these sorts of situations. 

It was at that very moment in which I was distracted from my thoughts as I heard a noise coming from Mesut, which I must admit did startle me a little. The noise was Mesut, and strangely he was snoring in his sleep. But the view I got as I slowly turned my body around so I was facing him was nothing but hilarious. His mouth was wide open and I swear I could see a little bit of dribble sliding out of his mouth. Disgusting I know, but I’m just telling you what I saw.

The snoring soon picked up the pace a little and was more frequent. I couldn’t help but laugh at this point. And no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t keep it in, it just had to come out. But the worst thing of all was that this wasn’t just some little laugh which is barely noticeable. Oh no. This in fact was possibly one of the loudest laughs I have ever heard myself let out. I just couldn’t help it. And I’m pretty sure that if you were in my position then you would be acting the same as me, trust me. I’m sure of it.

I couldn’t have been laughing for possibly a couple of minutes, that was all. And Mesut soon woke up.

Stretching his arms up in the air as he stretched, as well as letting out an almighty yawn from his mouth, he soon opened his eyes fully. And from me staring at him while resting my head on his chest, he must be thinking what the hell I was doing. But no, that strangely wasn’t the case at all. Instead a big smile emerged across his lips the moment he saw me.

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