Chapter 3

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Scarlett’s POV:

I woke up the next morning. But on opening my eyes I didn’t see any objects around me, oh no. Instead all I could see was yellow. After blinking a couple of times I found that the yellow which I could see was in face a sticky note. Removing it from my forehead where it had been placed, I turned it around to find some writing on it:

‘At training, be back soon. Mes x’

I let out a sigh of annoyance. Why couldn’t he have just written on a bit of paper or even the sticky note and placed it somewhere else other than on my forehead? Well I guess that’s just Mesut for you really, typical of him to have done this. I really am surprised at the fact that I hadn’t woken up or anything when he stuck it to my forehead, considering that I am a very light sleeper and wake up by the slightest sound or movement.

Scrunching the sticky note up in my hand, I sat up. A shock came upon me finding that I wasn’t in the living room on the sofa where I last remember being. I was in fact in my bedroom which I’m staying in. Again, if Mesut had carried me up here I am surprised that I hadn’t woken up.

Turning my head into the direction of the huge windows to my left, I looked out of them. Now this really is something which nowhere near compares to my life in England. Because in England it is extremely rare to wake up to a view this beautiful, the sun shinning with blue clouds in the sky. As I’ve said before; yes I am going to miss my life back in England, mostly my family, but nothing will compare to this here in Madrid. Sun shinning and high degree weather outside.

Getting out of bed, I decided that now would be the right time to sort all my clothes out and put them in all the draws. That way I wouldn’t have to do it any other time. But of course once I’ve had a shower. There is no way that I am going to be walking around with chlorine in my hair from the pool yesterday. I would have showered just after Mesut and I got out of the pool, but quite frankly the flight had tired me, and of course messing about in the pool didn’t help matters at all.

As I got up and out of bed I walked in the direction of the many towels which Mesut had placed down onto one of the two chairs by the many windows. Grabbing one in my hand, I began walking out of the bedroom and through to the hallway at the top of the stairs.

Walking past Mesut’s room to my right until I eventually came to the last room which was quite a way from the room I was staying in. Pushing the door open so I could get myself in, and then shutting and locking the door behind me. Grabbing the shampoo and conditioner bottles from the top cupboard in front of me, after a little struggle of actually being able to grab them, I placed them inside the shower in the corner of the room before turning it on. Unzipping my onesie I pulled it away from my body until it fell to the floor below me. I then removed my underwear, which also fell to the floor below me. Walking over to the shower, I stepped inside and shut the door behind me.


As soon as I had got out of the shower, I reached for the towel and quickly towel dried my hair before wrapping it around my body. Taking the shampoo and conditioner in my hands, I walked over to the cupboard and reached up before placing it back inside. Taking my onesie in my hands and then my underwear, I walked over to the wash bin in the corner of the room and then threw my underwear inside, before walking out of the bathroom and back through to the bedroom.

The moment I got into the bedroom I immediately walked over to my suitcases and began rummaging through one of them. Pulling out my bandeau top, along with my denim hot pantsand a fresh pair of underwear, I placed them down beside me. Moving along to the suitcase beside me, I took out my sunglasses and placed them down beside me as well. Standing up, I took my clothes and sunglasses in my hands and walked over to the bed and placed them down on the bed. Removing the towel from around my body, I threw it across the room before quickly slipping my underwear on. Taking my hot pants in my hands, I slipped my legs into them and then pulled them all the way up, doing the button and zip up. Then taking my bandeau top from the bed, I slipped it over my head and straightened it out before walking back over to where my suitcases were.

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