The run away

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I walk to the kitchen and start preparing the food as i listen in to Stefan and Damon's conversation.

"what!" Damon says and i know its because Stefan is pulling that face he always does when Damon's in the wrong.

"You can't let her do that just because people are horrible" Stefan replies and i roll my eyes. How can he say that he wasn't there doesn't know what was said

"She's just having a bit of fun live a little mama Stefan" Damon replies 

"okay what's with that, its weird from her but even weirder from you" Stefan says " and there's a difference between having fun and being reckless.  That's when i lose my temper. I storm out of the kitchen and right in  Stefan's face.

"How can you say that, you know the shit i have been through, you know what it was like trying to give birth and now I'm being picked on for it. who do you think you are treating me like im a baby. Stefan you don't know what i have been through i have been locked up for 50 years and the one time i kill someone for being horrible and thinking they can take advantage of me im being reckless" I scream so loudly I'm shocked that my vocal chords have not broke but i run up the stairs and slam my door. I start to cry.

"what is wrong with you?" Damon says with anger in his voice 

"Nothing i didn't mean for her to be hurt by it" Stefan says genuinely sad "i forgot she can hear from the kitchen" he finishes

"Well she is a vampire what do you expect" Damon shouts and starts walking up the stairs 

"Damon have you told her yet?" Stefan asks. told me what 

"No and don't bring it up" Damon replies 

"You better hurry up and tell her what happened or i will tell her" Stefan says with a small growl. At that point there is a knock on the door and i know it is my friends so i down the stairs and open the door ignoring Damon and Stefan. 

I let the girls in with a hug and walk back to the kitchen with Bonnie by my side. 

"Hey you okay?" She asks like someone has died.

" yes I'm okay thanks, you?" She looks down like she knows something.  she nods in reply to my question. I stand there tentatively as i continue to make the Sause to the pasta salad. I give up I'm going to say something. 

"okay someone tell me what the hell is going on why is everyone walking on egg shells around me, its so bloody annoying" I say to Bonnie slightly more aggressive than I meant to.

"They have not told you, and its not my place to say, I'm sorry" she says not showing any eye contact which makes me know its something that's going to hurt me.

"okay, who is they? never mind you wont tell me anything" i say and i am officially finished so I walk out with the food and Bonnie with the plates a couple blood bags and a glass of water for her. We place them on the table and call everyone for lunch. 

They are all very separate, Damon and Elena are in one corner talking quietly and Caroline and Stefan in the other. 

"What the hell is going on!" i yell getting everyone's attention  

"Darling lets not do this, not now" Damon says walking towards me

"No I'm doing it, someone better tell me what the hell is happening why is everyone hiding something from me" i continue keeping my anger in my voice.

"Damon just tell her" Caroline says with determination. i look at Damon with a mix of anger and pleading.

"I-I cant" he says with guilt laced in his tone which makes me start to worry.

"of course you cant" I say with disappointment and run out of the house to my special spot. I keep running until i reach the end of a wooded area and i look down at the lights of the streets and the full moon in the sky, i think about wolf boy and how he would be turning right now. And i think about Klaus did he get her pregnant on purpose. no he's a vampire, vampires cant procreate but what if. Then it clicks werewolf can , he got Hayley the other werewolf pregnant. 

"Y/n" i hear someone say my name and i realise its Rebekah, I roll my eyes of course they would call her she is the only one that would know where i am. 

"hello sister" i say as nicely i can with the mood i am in

"Do you remember coming here to get away from father and we would sit and laugh and just watch the sun rise" She says trying to get me comfortable. 

"can you just not!" I yell and she notices that I am pissed.

"what happened? why are you so angry?" she asks genuinely worried. 

"Oh like you don't know, apparently everyone knows but me" i say calming down a little

"what do i know? " she asks quite hurt that i snapped at her.

"i don't know that's the point everyone is keeping the secret" she sits next to me looking confused " you dont know?" i say and she nods like she really doesnt know, she pulls out her phone and i think she is texting someone but i cant tell who.

"Have you heard that our brother got someone pregnant?" i ask and she sniggers like im joking.

"Wait your serious. How? vampires cant procreate." She says one i look at her seriously.

"well he is not just vampire and i think is was that brunet girl. what's her name? Hayley" i tell her and we spend like an hour laughing and reminiscing about old times. After about half an hour i can hear more voices and im a bit hungry the last time i ate was this morning and i feel like i need a distraction so i look at Bekka.

"im going hunting" i say and getting up u coming. she shakes her head. her loss i suppose. I walk through the woods and i get grabbed. i cant see who by so i throw them over my shoulder onto the floor. I see Damon there acting all winded. I help him. " stupid what are you doing here, i dont want to speak to you" i say and strut away. 

"we slept together" He yells after me and it stops me in my path. I turn around slowly.

"you did what?" i whisper as the pain hits me like a wall.

"I slept with Elena that's why everyone is walking on egg shells" He continues softly like it wont hurt the next time he says it.

"ah okay so when was this" i say my voice rising 

" 2 weeks ago" He whispers

"two weeks, you have been keeping this from me for two weeks" i let out a sigh " go just run and never talk to me again" i whisper 

"Y/N I'm sorry, lets just talk about this" he pleads 

"I SAID GO NOW" i scream after him and he does he runs and doesn't turn around   

I break down to the ground and cry like no one is watching.


a/n - Hello my lovelies, so i thought i would write this chapter to one prove that even the strongest of people can cry and break, but also bc it was getting a bit dull so i needed something to spice it up. what should the outcome of this event be lev a comment. Vote and tell me anything i can improve on 

love you my darlings 

- hope

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