i have magic

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"ye well i don't accept your apology i almost died so if your quite finished you may fuck off"i say walking away. Rebekah grabs my arm and turns me back round

"hear him out" she say i sigh but look at him

"okay so we need to unlock you magical powers give me your hand" he says and i put my hand out he grabs a knife out of his hoodie.

"you just carry that" i say with a giggle, he jabs the knife into my hand and the blood starts trickling into a goblet. he starts chanting words in Latin and i feel a tingling sensation arousing through my body.he continues chanting and i can feel myself getting weak until he finally stops and i crash to the floor breathing heavily. Rebekah run up to me and helps me up.

"what the hell was that" she shouts at Oscar

"i unlocked the curse i want to see if it works" he says and pulls a candle out of his hoodie.  where the hell is he getting these from. "okay repeat after me." he says"phesmatos"

"phesmatos" i repeat and nothing happens.

"okay think about all the power building inside you, think about something that makes you angry then say it again" he tells me

i think of how he left me there in that forest to die, i thought about how he had the decency to show up saying i am a witch and the cut me.

"phesmatos" i growl out and the candle lights but it lights to much and shoots into the air making Oscar burn a little. "wait was that me?" i say confused

"yep, you unlocked it." he reassures me 

"oh no no no no, i cant be a witch, i just cant" i say and walk away Oscar and Rebekah follow slowly behind. "Rebekah if you want a ride home get in the car Oscar don't come near me ever again" i shout and Rebekah runs and gets in the car. i start to drive to Klaus's house 

"you want to talk about it" Rebekah says with a smile.

"what talk about how my only childhood friend is somehow still alive, left me for dead and now want to get back into my life just to tell me i'm magical what am i meant to say" i say sarcastically.

we arrive at Klaus's and Bekah goes in and i drive to the school. i sit in the maths classroom damon and i met in. there are feathers on the table. lets see what i can do? i think to myself

i wave my hand slowly over the feathers start flying up. i giggle to myself then i hear a gasp by the door. i shoot my head towards the door and see Bonnie standing there with a big smile on her face.

"your a witch to?" she asks walking in the room

"yep just today please teach me you voodoo shit" i plead and shyly smile

"okay meet me in the forest at 2" she tells me. i walk out of the classroom and go to the gym because whenever i'm stressed i work out. i open the door and Elena is there working out.

"hey y/n" she says with a smile

"Hi Elena do you mind spotting me on the weights" i ask with a giggle

"okay" she replies which makes me laugh more

"dude i'm a vampire i don't need spotting" i say and we both laugh

after working out i walk out the back entrance of the school by the druggy corner and see wolf boy sitting out of breath on the field. i walk over to him.

"hey ty" i say

"oh hey y/n" he replies

"whats up" i ask curious , this is your fault

"oh nothing just you brother turned me into a hybrid and now i'm sired to him" he tells me"you wouldn't know how to break the bond would you" he finishes

"oh go to Appalachian mountains, seek out Hayley Marshall." i tell him

"thanks y/n i hate you brother" he thanks me and walks away i continue to walk to my car get in and drive to the Salvatore bording house.  when i arrive i open the door and Damon, Stefan and Elena are sitting on the couch.

"i- i cant be" Elena whispers sadly

"well i'm sorry but you are" Stefan says "which means everything you feel for Damon is because of it, you kissed him because of the sire bond" He continues

she kissed him wtf

i vampire run upstairs and lock myself in my bedroom listening to the conversation going on bellow.

"shit, i think y/n just got home. i'll go and check on her" I hear Damon say

"no you have to stay down here, this is your fault" Elena shouts

"my fault, you're the one who almost got yourself killed so i'm sorry that i saved you for the benefit of my brother." Damon shouts back "now i'm going upstairs to check on my girlfriend because i love her no you" he continues. i feel like he only said that because he knows i was listening but he did say it which makes me less angry.

i can hear him walking up the stairs so get in my bed and look on my phone.

he knocks.

"come in" i says permitting him to open the door which is locked.

"it's locked"he shouts through 

"oh okay one second" i get up and walk to the door, unlock it and let him in. i go back and sit on my bed. "so you kissed her?" i say making it awkward

"well no she kissed me i was helping her with a blood bad and when she was able to drink it she kissed me i pulled away though"he replies kind of sad that i heard

"oh no it's okay, i can't really argue with Elena you gorgeous and she's beautiful and you both would be so cute together." i tell him with a sad smile 

"do you know what though?" he pauses and i nod to tell him to go on "i don't want Elena y/n i want you. i'm in love with you. you are my today. tomorrow and my forever and i will always choose you" he say making my eyes tear up.

"but now will you choose me if i tell you that i am a witch" i say looking at him he pauses and looks back at me not knowing what to say.



ha hi guys so left it on a bit of a cliff hanger hope you enjoy it we will see what happens next. leave a comment on what you think happens next or private message me what you want to happen next and leave a vote 


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