the school

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I'm sitting in the woods for about two hours and I check my phone, the time is 1:45 and I have no texts from Klaus or Rebekah which hurt. 'I told you they don't care' I thought to myself. I stand up shakily realising I have not eaten in like 3 days and I was starving but there was no one near. I walk to the school and Damon is late so I decide to do into a maths classroom, I sit on the desk and wait. After ten minutes Damon comes in with a grin on his face which makes me smile.

"Hey cutie"he says with a smirk. I go to stand up but I'm to shaky and with a gasp I black out. 

-Damon's pov-

I get to the school and starting to the maths corridor but I can hear someone crying and i'm feeling a bit peckish so I go into Mr Saltzmans classroom and I don't have time to make her comfortable so I just go eat then erase. I walk out and wipe the blood from my mouth. 'B positive my favourite' I think to myself. I walk into the maths classroom and see her sitting on the desk she looks weak and hungry.

"Hello cutie" I say as I smile and walk in. Her beautiful smile beams at me no matter how weak she is, she is still beautiful.She stands up to walk towards me but straight away falls and collapses I gasp run towards her and pick her up. Grabbing my phone I text Stefan. Bring the car to the school NOW!!! it reads and before I know it i get a reply Okay on my way what happened? I ignore it and five minuets later Stefan and Elena are in his bright red Porsche. I get in and we get home. I lay her comfortably on my bed, run down stairs and grab a couple of blood bags. when I get back up stairs Elena is sitting with her. once the blood is in her system she wakes up almost immediately. I give a sigh of relief.

"Hello, I don't even know your name and you black out on me!" I say with a giggle

-y/n pov-

What the hell happened? Where the hell am I?

"Hello I don't even know your name and you black out on me" I hear a voice say

I open my eyes in a panic, see Damon and sit up covering myself with the quilt I am wrapped in.

"W-what? Where the hell am I?" I ask slightly angry. Elena buts in.

"It's okay your safe now you at the Salvatore boarding house. Your in Damon's room, I'm Elena," she said in a reassuring tone and a giddy smile.

"hi Elena i'm y/n" I say and glare straight at Damon who has the cutest smirk on his face "can someone please explain how I got here last I remember I was at school with you" I explain pointing a Damon 

"okay ill explain so you told me to meet you in the maths block at the school so I showed up and we had an epic make-out session where you were so overwhelmed by my charm that you blacked out." he jokes being punched by Elena.

"doubt that so what really happened?" I ask making Elena giggle. out of nowhere I hear a voice "shh" they both shut up and I can make out who the voice is."Stefan, why is Stefan here?"I ask.

"He is my brother" Damon replies "how do you know Stefan?". I explained all about how I know Stefan from 1922 in Chicago and how he was in his ripper stage but I didn't know it was this Stefan.

"one: who the hell is Klaus?, two: what does he want with Stefan? and three: what have I done to him to make him want to kill me?" Damon says confused

"Klaus is my brother who is a hybrid, part werewolf part vampire, apparently he wants to restore the memories he stole from Stefan about him and Rebekah they had a blast and Klaus compelled him to forget and i don't know what he wants with you but you are a bit of a dick that could be why" I reply looking at Elena's shocked face and Damon's slightly offended face.

"wait so Stefan and Rebekah used to be a thing and he never told me. and you and your siblings are the original family but your brother Klaus is a hybrid, please tell me thats all the family you have" Elena says slightly hurt slightly confused

"no there are three more of us but they will not be a problem other than that yes everything you just said is very correct." I reply sarcasm in my tone.

"woah there are more of you, did you mother ever stop?" Damon says making Elena slap him again

"okay so the rest of my family are in boxes with magical daggers in there heart the only thing that can keep an original dedicated till the dagger is removed" I say"but they do not work on Klaus a little perk to being a hybrid"

"Iv'e got to go get my head around this and recap Stefan, slap him if he pulls a dick move" Elena says looking are me with a smile" I promise its so fun!" we just kind of sit there for a minute, not really knowing what to do.

"so, why are you not daggered like the rest of your siblings" Damon says 

"oh okay no hi, no sorry for harassing you and bringing you to my house to be a creep, just straight in there with the deep question" I say a little agitated sitting further up in his bed.

"okay your right, hello sorry that you collapsed and i'm sorry that I brought you to my house fed you my blood bags to keep you alive."  he shouts getting angry.  It suddenly clicks that I collapsed i'm a vampire and I collapsed.

"oh yeah right, sorry I just feel defenceless, I am an original vampire who is over a thousand years old and I bloody collapsed" I whisper tears welling up in my eyes

"oh no, no, no, don't cry its okay I promise, I was impolite" Damon says walking towards me sitting on the top end of the bed next to me.

"I'm pathetic" I say pitying myself. I lie down on Damon's legs and to start with he hesitates but not long after he gets comfortable and starts stroking my hair out of my face until I fell asleep. 

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