humanity back on

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I run and continue running until i find a road on the out side of mystic falls. i stop look around and lay on the road. After five mins a car pulls up and stops to see me. a beautiful girl with velvet blond hair and beautiful brown eyes. her mini skirt blows up in the wind as she gets out her car.

"you okay dear?" She asks sweetly not knowing i'm about to kill her. I smile at her

"no not really, well long story short my brother was just murdered by my sister who was trying to kill me. i shut of my emotions and my boyfriends brother made out with me just to inject me and my boyfriend locked me up and lastly i'm hungry"i explain watching the expression on her face change from helpfulness to fear

"umm i think i have a packet of crisps in the car if you want it?" She says starting to walk back to her car. I quickly get up and run to her.

"i'm sorry sweety but you are my food." i say and bare my teeth into her neck sucking her dry.

"y/n stop" a voice which i recognise as Damon's says. i sigh

"you 're no fun and I'm hungry" i reply and go back to her delicious neck. Once i suck her dry I let go and she falls to the floor with a thump. Suddenly a white light flashes past me and Klaus has got Damon in his arms and a stake in his hand aiming at Damon's heart.

"you don't have you humanity on which means you wont care if i kill him" he says with a smirk. I shrug. "you sure because i will do it" he continues, i pout my lips and shake my head. Klaus pushes the stake into his chest and lets go. Damon falls slowly to the ground.i hear the thump of his body and it rushes back. i look dead at Damon and see his body desiccated on the floor. i drop down next to him realising he is dead because of me, a tear falls down my face.

"you see the tear falling thats sadness, you sad because he was killed for you ," Klaus says with pure seriousness. i look at him with pure anger" and the rage you feel toward me is emotion and your about to have the weight lifted of you chest because i missed his heart" Klaus continues. i look at him and smile but then cry again the tears just fall and they don't stop. I didn't even realise Damon woke back up until he grabbed me in his grasp. i gasp and look at him happily. He kisses me passionately.

"woah guys we I don't need to see this" Klaus says looking away. We both giggle and i help Damon up.

"I'm so sorry"i apologise.

"Lets not do that now, lets go home bury your brother and go to bed. we have had a hard day" Damon says putting his arm round me.

"oh wait one second"i say and run back to the girl i brutally killed and threw her into the river.

"i always dispose of the body when i switch it off" i say making them both giggle.

Damon drives us back to kol's house and i stop at the door whilst everyone else steps in.

"baby its okay we have covered him up so you don't have to see him in this state" Damon says grabbing my hand and pulling me in slowly.

Klaus grabs his body and we take him to the back of his yard. Damon and i spend five minutes digging and Klaus throws his body in the hole. we fill the hole and Klaus says a few words.

"here lays Kol mikaelson, a brother, a friend and an enemy. everyone here apart from Damon loved him. he was always there for everyone who he loved and always killed anyone who betrayed him," he finishes and i tuck my face into Damon's shoulder and cry. once we finished the memorial, we saw the one person i really didn't want to, Rebekah.

"what do you want" i say angrily

"i want to apologise please allow me to?" she asks with tears in her eyes.

"I'm not the one you need to apologise to but he's dead so really you don't"i say the sarcasm echoing through the garden 

"i know but i need to apologise to you to, i tried to kill you and that was horrible" she says as the tear falls.

"okay lets try a little experiment" I says with a smirk. r trust please let mei walk her toward the kitchen.

"grab a plate and throw it on the floor" she did exactly that and with a crash the plate smashed which made the boys walk in, i give them a look that tells them not to get involved.

"so you see the plate smashed now apologise to it" i demand her to do the next tear falls from her face.

"is the plate fixed, noo. so you see an apology doesn't fix everything and until i'm ready to forgive you don't come near me or my friends because i won't hesitate to break you because killing you would be an easy escape." i say to her making her cry some more. She runs out of the house crying i pout my lips with success and the boys give me a look that makes me feel bad.

"what i just said the truth" i tell them.

"that was a harsh analogy though"Klaus says

"well i'm so sorry that i'm the only one who is pissed at her for killing our brother trying to kill me" i say annoyed i walk out of the room. out of nowhere my phone goes off.

R: listen i tried to kill you cause i know you were right about Klaus, and jealousy. you forgave Elijah so easy and now i want to earn your trust please let me.

y/n:but Bekka the difference between you and Elijah is that he didn't kill my brother.

R:He was my brother to don't you think i'm angry with myself

y/n: listen you just need to stay away from me for a bit okay

R:sure anything to make you forgive me.

I do forgive her but thats because i saw how hurt she was when i snapped.



hello so this is my favourite chapter i have written so far. if you like it leave a vote and comment anything you like or improvements.


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