the break-in

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I lay in my bed and watch my phone waiting for the clock to change to 10 waiting for something to happen. It changes but nothing happens. After 5 minutes there is a knock on the door of my bedroom

"come in" i shout. Its Damon and Stefan

"Hey y/n, we are just going out have some business to attend to at the bell tower with Elena and Bonnie." Stefan tells me with a smile.

I smile back "okay "I reply "ill be fine here"

Stefan walks out but Damon walks to me kisses my cheek and whispers "if anything happens just call me I will be here in seconds." I smile and nod.

They leave and i hear Damon's car leave the drive way, I'm gonna take advantage of this being home alone. I run myself a bath and grab a blood bag.

I play take me home and blast it loudly as I sit and soak. There has been an eerie silence when the boys are not home so i always blast music. After about an hour i get out and wrap myself in my towel , get dressed into shorts and one of Damon's night shirts. Suddenly there is a crash and then nothing, silence. I walk downstairs and see that the door has been broken. Its got to be someone human as no supernatural creatures can come in without permission from Elena.

I hear a crash in the dining room so run in and its trashed but there is no one there. I realise that my phone is still in the bathroom so i vampire run up there and call Damon. it rings for about a minute but then goes to voice mail. so much for ill answer and be there in seconds i think to myself. i turn around because i her another crash in my bedroom so run in there and see a figure with a black hood and green eyes shining through. I don't know what is happening until it is to late, the figure lifts there hand up and snaps my neck. The next thing i know is i have been tied to the seats in the back of the car, in the same things that i got out the bath in. 

"she is awake" i hear a voice say at the front of the car.

"she will kill you if you don't let her out soon" I say pissed 

"ummm let me think about it, you are tied up, i can break your neck, and i have a gun so really i don't think you have much of a choice love" the voice says

"Don't call me that EVER" i say the anger souring through my stomach.  "And how come i cant get out what have you done to theses ropes i literally had  a blood bag before you took me i should have the strength." 

"well they are magical ropes so no supernatural creature can break through them."

"well i thought the same about the door but you got through, how?"

"well im not actually supernatural" the voice replies

"but you snapped my neck without touching me?" i say getting really confused

"yep  i did i have a magical charm around my neck that my mother made me before she....." they paused "why am i telling you my life story."

At that second the car stopped and the person took the black hood off and looked at me.

"i-i know you" I stammer recognising the face before me

"oh you do now don't you" he says getting me out if the car. "so you know where I'm from and who i am"

"yes i do" i say gaining confidence "but you supposed to be dead" 

"ah yes i am because my mother didn't do anything to protect me but did everyone else didn't she" He says walking me to a ditch and untying the rope from my arms and pushes me into a ditch.

"mar I'm sorry, you don't understand i didn't know, i went back to get you one night and saw you with bekah so i left, and you were happy with bekah so i left. I loved you and i let you be happy, and obviously that wasn't with me so I'm sorry that i let you be happy with my fucking sister, I'm sorry i spent 200 years trying to get over you and now I'm happy you have to come back and use me a..." i stopped as i look up and my once lover then friend was crying. That got me and my eyes started watering and without any warning we were hugging

"i missed you y/n" he said

"i missed you too Marcus" i said back. "wait why the hell did you break into my house wreck it break my neck and then kidnap me"

"dramatic effect" he giggled

"and that whole story of you not being supernatural and that's how you broke in that don't make sense" i asked confused

"oh bout that i hired someone to break in and take you and its true my friend Luke parker is not supernatural but my friend Danielle made him a ring that allows him to do magic on command" he explained and we giggled.

"where are we?" i ask and look across the ditch he did not

"you recognise it don't you" he says putting his arm around me.

"this is where i convinced Klaus to take you in" we both look out at this field with the singular tree sitting nicely in the middle.

"yes it is and it was that day i was forever in debt with the famous Klaus Michaelson" He says with a small smile but i know he is angry about it

"You know you cant stay here, Klaus will kill you" I tell him and he looks down and at that moment i know he actually misses me. i wrap my arms around him and tell him to drive to the border i will say goodbye to him there. an so we do, this time i can sit in the passengers seat and as he pulls up to the border i get out .

"bye Marcus" i say leaning in through his window hugging him. I pull away and he kisses my hand. Give him the benefit of the doubt he was always a gentleman. i watch as his car drives away a  tear falling down my cheek.  i better get home before Damon worries i think to myself and slowly walk home.


 hey my darlings, hope you had a good Christmas sorry i haven't updated in a while been really busy with school work. but here is the next chapter. don't forget to vote and comment any improvements or any ideas for the next chapter.

much love -hope

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