come back to me bek

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After my and beka's argument i realised i was harsh and i needed to apologise so the next day i went to school and tried to find her but couldn't she wasn't there.

I walked myself back home and sat on my bed. There was a knock on my door and i realised it was Damon.

"come in,"i shout as the door opens slowly,i see Damon. He looks sad. "whats the matter darling"

"i want you to stay away from Elena"Damon says sitting on the end of my bed laying on my lap.

"why whats up, what has happened" i say looking concerned

"she drove off the wickery bridge and Stefan saved Matt so i gave Elena my blood because Stefan couldn't live with himself if she died on his watch." he explained

"she's a vampire" i say with a smile.

"and she's ....." he pauses like it hurts him to say it, "she's sired to me" he finishes

my phone does off as he tells me this and its coming from kols phone. i look at it with sadness. then confusion takes over

"who is it" Damon asks looking at my expression

"kol?" i say with utter confusion

"answer it" He tells me so i do.

"hello" i say the confusion in my voice

"hi is this y/n" a raspy voice replies with

"yes and you are"i answer

"that doesn't matter all that matters is i can bring your brother back but i need you and Rebekah, i need you because when Esther died the first time you got her powers and i need to channel another witch and i need Rebekah because i need the oldest sisters blood and well i need a look out" He explains

"oh I'm sorry i think you have got the wrong number i'm not a witch I'm a vampire. i cant be both"

"oh yes you can. its called a heretic, your mother had a curse placed on her that her favourite child has to become a witch weather a vampire or werewolf or whatever, you were her favourite child" the voice says "call Rebekah and both of you meet me behind the grill at half two. if you don't you will never get your brother back"he finishes and hangs up.

i look at Damon who looks worried.

"i'm coming with you" He says stubbornly

"no you're not and if you follow i will kill you" i say wit a smirk.

"nah you wont"He says with a cuter smirk

"okay you can drive us but you can't follow, now i need to call beks"

*texts with Rebekah* 

y/n: he listen, I'm sorry i was harsh i forgive you now i need to talk can you meet.

R: yeah, when? where?

Y/N: school field 10

I hop in the shower an change, do my make-up and get in the car to drive to the school.

Rebekah is already there sitting on the cold metal bench.she sees me and stands staight up.

"listen y/n i'm so sorry" she pleads

"nah its okay i was brutal" i reply and hug it out.

we sit on the bench and i explain to her what happened with the phone call.

"i knew you were mothers favourite" she says with a smile, i giggle after.

"ye well i know im not a witch but i am interested to see what this guy has to say you in" i say with a smile. she nods and we walk to the grill. its about 1:30 when we get there so we go in and order some drinks from matt. he look at me with a smile.

"what can i get for you ladies"he says looking at Rebekah

"two chocolate milkshakes and chips to share please"i say which makes Rebekah snap back into humanity. he walks way to get our order and i smirk at Rebekah.

"what?" she says with a sassy tone

"you like him" i say with the biggest grin on my face

"i do not"she says smiling and going red "okay maybe i do but how do you not fall for those blue eyes and that smile."she finishes and we laugh. After about 20 minuets we finish our food and drinks and pay.

"wait here a second"i say to beka, i walk over to matt and she looks at me.

"hey matt, so my sister likes you what do you think?" i ask and i know that Rebekah is listening

"she's pretty but i have promised my self i won't try and get with anyone on the supernatural field also, i swear she was the reason me and Elena went off the bridge." he replies. i give her a look

"okay also in about 5 minuets we are meeting a guy out back who apparently says i'm a witch and he can bring back kol so can you just keep an eye out and call Damon if some shady stuff goes down" i tell him

"okay be careful" he says with a smile. he pulls me in with a hug and kisses my cheek lightly. i walk back to the table and grab Rebekah. we walk out the back door of the grill and see a hooded figure.

"do you think thats him" Rebekah whispers in my ear

"thats him alright" i reply and start walking closer.

"hello you called me i'm here what do you want."i  say confidently. the figure looks up and raises his hand to grab his hood. once it is down i realise it was Oscar. 

"hello y/n" he says proudly

"what the fuck are you doing here" i say with a sulk

"umm well to start with i heard about kol and i just want to say i'm sorry and second to make amends for ditching you before hand" He answers with a sweet smile


I ran up to Oscar, i had only just became a vampire and well i was scared ad couldn't control it properly, Oscar was my friend and he helped me until times got tough. When i was first turned he ha just discovered he was a warlock so spent most o his time practising magic with his father. every now and then he would come out and play but not very often. this one time i has gone to feed  and Oscar was doing magic in the forest. After i fed i saw bright yellow eyes shining through the tree's, i thought it was a wild cat or something so i ran up to it to feed because i had never had animal blood and was curious but when i went to attack my target  it turned around and bit me. in that moment i realised that it wasn't a cat but a werewolf. i crumpled on the floor and screamed knowing that Oscar hears me.He comes running and stopped in front of me.

"oh my god are you okay" he says

"yes i'm perfectly fine, i wasn't just bitten by a werewolf" i say sarcastically

"oh a werewolf only one thing can fix that" he says and starts to walk away.

"yeah and that is"i shout after him

"you'll find out"he shouts back.

That was the day i lost my best friend all because i had to find out how to fix a werewolf bite. How is he still alive though.

*********************end of flashback*********************


autors note

sorry i haven't updated in a while just kinda wanted to make this chapter perfect so had a long time thinking about it. any way if you have any other ideas for upcoming chapters private message me and i'll try and use it. all in all hope you enjoyed it and comment and vote


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