mother dearest

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we went straight to bed after he came in, baring in mind it was half one in the morning. when we did wake up it was to the sound of knocking on the front door.Everyone is still asleep so i walk down the stairs in my shorts and one of Damon's tops. I open the door and Kol is standing therewith a smile on his face. i rub my eye to wake myself up.

"hey y/n" he says with smile on his face at once i realise its not kol but my mother.

"what do you want mother and get out of kol's body" i say not smiling back 

"aw dang it, how did you know it was me" she says jumping out of Kols body into her own. My brown eyed brother comes back into consciousness and looks straight at our mother.

"you bitch you body jumped into me" he says angrily walking to stand next to me. "what do you want anyway" he finishes and hugs me

"well i want to invite you and your sister to the house for a party"she says through giggles"its this evening dress up and don't forget to bring your boy toy"she continues

"don't call him that you witch" i say closing the door on her. me and Kol  go and sit on the couch i run down to the basement and get the blood from the fridge, run back upstairs and put it in two glasses.

"you know we have to go." Kol says taking a sip of his drink, i nod.

"where do we have to go?" a voice from behind says, i turn around and he kisses me "good morning bella, Kol"

"not you, us " i say not wanting him to get involved

"mother says he has to come" Kol points out. i shake my head violently and open my eyes wide, telling him no

"your mother was here"he shouts worried " then i am coming." i put my head in my hand as he sits next to me hugging me.

"well i'm not so have fun!" i shout angrily and storm off to my room. (a/n:big moody teenager move) i sit in my room and get my phone out and text Klaus.

y/n: hey Klaus has mother visited you today

 after about ten minutes i get a reply

k: ye told us about the party are you going?

y/n: i don't want to but Damon and Kol are going to drag me there

k: she wants us to dress up 

y/n: yeah i know i'm just going to wear my jumpsuit you got me when you undaggered me

k: aight  call me if you need anything okay 

y/n: cheers will do

 after this i put my phone down and walked back downstairs where Damon and Kol were talking

"i'm going to go but you're not" i say pointing at Damon. He pouts 

"why not?" he asks acting sad i tilt my head in anger

"because i don't want you to get involved" i say with a hint of a smile. he nods and walk up to me to kiss me.

-time skip 1 hour before the party-

I go downstairs and into the kitchen and see Damon in a leather jacket and white tank top.

"Looking trendy" I say smiling at him.

"Why are you not ready" he says smiling back and rushing me to my room. I get myself ready by taking a shower and doing my make up. Then I go back to my room and get changed into a sexy black jumpsuit.

I walk back downstairs and Damon is still sitting on the couch drinking his bourbon

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I walk back downstairs and Damon is still sitting on the couch drinking his bourbon.
"Do I look good?" I ask curios without looking at me he nods and smiles. He gets up and kisses me on the cheek when the door goes. I walk to open it and it's Rebbekah and Klaus.

"You ready love," Klaus says happily. The last time I spoke to Rebbekah was the first day here and I shouted at her. I now and we silently walk to the car Klaus opens the door for both me and Rebbekah then looks back at Damon and nods with a smile.

"Hey Rebbekah I'm sorry about shouting at you I was in a pissy mood okay," I say hoping she will accept my apologised

"Ah it's okay I understand" she replies making me smile.the car journey is scielent the whole way there but when we arrive Klaus puts his arms out for us to grab.

"You come off strong here Klaus walking in with both of us," Rebbekah says making both of us giggle, when we get to the door Kol meets us and I let go of Klaus and link arms with Kol. Our mother walk up to us grinning widely.

"Hello my sweet children" she says and I sigh.

"I'm going to need a drink if I have to listen to this all day" I whisper to the others which makes them giggle. Me and Kol walk to the bar and I order Champaign and he orders a whiskey neat.i hear someone order a bourbon from the other side of the bar, I peer over and realise it's Damon. I walk over to him angrily and grab the back of his suit and pull him into an empty room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask furiously " I told you not to come, why didn't you listen to me?"I continue looking down

" darling, I just wanted to meet the family and prove how much I love you but supporting you in this"he replies

"Damon to prove you loved me you would have stayed at home like I said"i shouted at him. I sigh" you clearly dont otherwise you would have listened" I  storm out of the room leaving him with these words.

I walk back to my family after ordering and downing three vodka shots. Finaly I finish my Champaign. I watch the band on the stage listen I to them play whatever classical music there playing when suddenly they are interrupted by a blue eyed man.

" this is for the amazing woman I love, i should have listened to you" he says to the crowd and I realise it's Damon. He stares the orchestra in the eyes and tells them to play a tune as they start playing he starts singing.
Play- hold on-

Once the song has finished I run  up to the stage and jump on Damon kissing him passionately.

"That girl has one hell of a man" I hear my mother say. After an hour of talking and dancing Damon and I head home with a goodbye to my brother and sisters.
Hope you like this chapter, I enjoyed writing it, so leave a comment on improvements and vote
- hope

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