the last of Kol

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"hello sister" i say intentionally loud so the people downstairs can hear

"your pathetic, can't fight me yourself so calling you little body guard to protect you"

"well not going to lie Rebekah you have the one thing in existence that can actually kill me so yes im going to call my boyfriend and brothers to come and help me." i say with a snarky tone

"if you need so much help to look after yourself then let me just put you out of your misery" she says and runs towards me i vampire run to the other side of the room."fast aren't you"

 I go to open the door and run down but Rebekah is standing in front of it. 

"can we just get over whatever your pissed about" i say angrily

"you want me to get over that you said i was blind to Klaus's neglect , who do you think you are?" she says matching my anger. Kol came upstairs to see what was happening, he opened the door slightly to see Rebekah on top of me trying her hardest to stake me. He runs to her and throws her backwards helping me up. i wipe my bloody nose. 

"what are you doing Bek" Kol says confused

"protecting little sister are we?" she asks with the biggest smirk on her face. Rebekah vampire runs to stake me again but as she thrusts the dagger towards my chest my brown haired brother intercepts, the stake going straight into his heart.

"NOOOO aaaahhhh" i scream as my brother hits the ground, i pull the stake out but its too late he has already started burning.

"GET OUUUTTT"i scream tears falling violently from my eyes.Rebekah vampire runs out of the open window. Damon and Klaus run up the stairs. they see Kols body charged a on the ground and me crying.

"w-what happened"Klaus asks shaken. i run downstairs and start searching all the cabinets. Klaus comes downstairs with Damon, Kols body in his hands.

"put him on the sofa" i shout and he does. I continue to search the cabinets for lighter fluid. i finally find some and start rapidly shaking the bottle so the fluid hits the ground and the shelf's.

"Love, what are you doing,"Klaus says sounding scared

"burning it, no one is going to live here again." I say trying to soung calm whilst pouring out the last of the lighter fluid.

"this whisky can go to, no ones going to ever drink it again"i say grabbing the bottle and pouring it over the couch and his body.

"baby, its okay. you'll be okay."Damon says as i light a match.

"it's not okay,He died because of me,She killed him because of me. How can you say it will be okay? He's dead because he jumped in the way of me. there is no way to get him back. he is gone" i scream at the top of my lungs the match slowly burning through.I stand there the tears getting worse.

"He's gone" i repeat slower and quieter"ouch" I drop the match because i burned my hand. Damon vampire ran to grab the match. he caught it and i went out. I drop heavily to the ground and break down on the floor. Damon grabs my motionless body and doesn't let go." It  hurts, Help me with the pain,It really hurts" i continue to cry.

"i have to turn it off" i whisper to myself, Both the boys give me a look. I shut my eyes and look up

"nooo" i hear but don't listen. I open my eyes and look at the boys with a smirk.

"hello boys, what are you staring at. i know i'm drop dead gorgeous but there's no need to gawk" i say and walk out confidently, i stop at the door and turn around.

"well just to let you know i'm going to go and kill our sister, don't try and stop me" i say and shrug vampire running away.i run the whole way to the Salvatore mansion. the white oak stake in my hand.

"REBEKAH" i scream knowing that she will be here seaking protection from Stefan. Stefan walks downstairs with a confused look.

"again stop looking at me like that" I say with a sigh.

"what are you doing here y/n" Stefan says with a look.

"Rebekah killed Kol, i'm going to kill her" i says quickly then smile, i hear Rebekah's footsteps walking upstairs.I walk towards the steps when Stefan grabs me, He look me in the eyes and pounces on my lips. Kissing me. i try to pull away but before i know i have the magical dagger in my back and i start to dedicate. the next thing i know i have Damon sitting in front of me feeding me blood.

"y-you daggered me" i say weakly "and Stefan kissed me" i say with a smirk knowing it would annoy him.

"oh i know Stefan kissed you and i need you to turn that little humanity switch back on for the sake of i wont kill you" Damon threatens. i giggle still very weak.

"you wont kill me, you love me too much" i say with a cocky expression.

"okay maybe i won't kill you but you just wait" He says walking out.

After about an hour i pass out again. the locked door going in and out of focus.

"what the hell, you kissed her" i hear someone shout from upstairs 

"i was compelled and we needed her to be put down" i hear another voice say

"but you could have told me i had to hear it from Damon, Stefan i would have forgiven you but now i just need time" i hear the voice of Elena say

"I'm gong to feed her okay nothing is going to happen" Stefan replies and i hear his footsteps walking down the stairs to the basement.

"hi y/n, you going to turn your emotions back on yet" he says with a sweet smile. He puts the shot glass of blood next to me and i down it straight away.

"Break up with her" i say with my weak raspy voice

"good try but no" He replies and leaves just as Damon did. He dropped something on the way out. I shuffle towards the door and realise it was a pin. I use it to open the door and vampire run out of the Salvatore building. 


a/n: hi guys this chapter was really fun to write and i hope you Enjoy. leave a comment on improvements and general comments and please vote love yous mia amarta


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