The run away pt 2

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After an hour of crying Bekah come up behind me and grabs me tight in a hug. I pull away because i know its her that called him.

"hon, I'm trying to help" She says with a stare that can kill 

"yeah maybe but you were also the one that told him where i was, Rebekah I'm not ready to see him and you are in no place to force me too okay so LEAVE ME ALONE!!" i yell with startles her. 

"You can push everyone away because you are hurting, that's not fair and you know that." she says seeming more angry than me

"you cant say that." i say with a sadistic giggle "you dont understand, The one time i thought i should actually start caring about someone and might actually love him he, he sleeps with her" i yell the last few words. 

"you think i dont understand, do you not remember. Marcellus." she says and i do remember but its as bad as what he did to me.

"Lets go on a trip, just for the rest of the night and we will actually have time away from drama, boys and everyone who loves this beloved town." I recommend. she nods in agreement with a bright smile.

"just like the old times" she says and links arms with me and we stroll through the woodland. 

~time skip~ 

We walk around Chicago for about an hour before Bekah drags me into a bar and buys me a drink. 

"do you know what i miss about being human" I say with a giggle.

"nope what is it that my dear sister misses about being human" she laughs with me and her sarcastic tone lifts my mood.

"getting drunk and hooking up with a random guy" I say with a smirk

"Darling you may not be able to get drunk but you can still hook up, that never stopped" she says, She looks around the pub and smiles. "There, him" she points.

There stands a man with dark brown hair. I can only see the back of him and what a beautiful back it it. I smile, jump off the bar stool and strut all the way to him. 

"Oi wait" I get called back "your going to approach him in that" she says gesturing to my cloths and patchy make-up.

"No i guess not" she hands me a wipe and some clothes "when did you have time to buy these" 

"oh when you went off and yelled at Damon i knew you would want to get away so did some shopping before hand. Go on try them on"

-this is what you change into- 

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-this is what you change into- 

you stroll out of the bathroom and automatically everyone's eyes are on you. Everyone but him. You look at your sister and she smiles egging you on. 

you tap the guy on his shoulder and he turns around. Its Damon. how the hell did he get here, why the hell is he here. Rebekah stalks up behind me and puts an arm around me so i cant go anywhere. 

"what are you doing here" i say the anger burning my throat

"Sit" he says gesturing to the seat next to him. 

"i think im good, thanks" my sister give me the evil eye and drags me to the seat. 

"you look beautiful y/n" he says a small smile trying not to come through.

"Let me guess, you think you can show up anywhere is am, compliment me and do more charming things and im just meant to forgive you. this is the second time" i say trying to keep my voice  down " Damon you did it again and it hurts" i say a tears threatening to leave my eyes.

"No im here to make it up to you, i know its going to be hard but i will do absolutely anything to keep you by my side, Y/N, i have never felt this way about anyone. i will never see Elena the same way i see you and i only did it because i was mad at my brother, I was so angry and i wanted to hurt him again and i didn't think it would hurt me or hurt you. I was stupid and i was blind. I'm genuinely and really sorry." he says and i think i can sense sincerity in his voice but he could just be acting it 

"I know, i know you are stupid because you get blinded by your rage and you dont realise who you will hurt, Damon i was in love with you and you manipulated that and used it against me. How can i trust you." i say the tears actually falling down my newly made up face. 

"I - I dont know, i really dont but i am in love with you and i need you to forgive me, i will walk through fire for you and i will take a bullet for you, i  would die for you and kill for you and i love you." a single tear falls down his face and i know he is being serious but i dont know if i am ready to forgive him yet. 

"i need time" I say looking at the floor   

"Thats okay, i will give you all the time you need. Just please y/n. please come home." he says and i nod 

"okay i will come home but that does not mean i forgive you, im just willing to grow and repair, GOT IT" i say with a chuckle 

"yes ma'am" he replies with a salute and smile. 

"You owe me" i say looking at my sister "now you have to dance with me" We both get up and run to the dance floor as an upbeat party song plays. Jumping up and down with Bekah i glance over at Damon and he looks back at me with a smile and i know things are going to be okay again, I just need time.


Hello my darlings, do you think Rebekah handled the situation well or was it forced. Anyway will have another chapter up soon soo hope you enjoyed this one. comment anything you enjoyed and vote 

-love Hope   

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