Chapter 14: Family?

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(A\N) I'm sorry for the long absence. I still go to school.


I scanned all over my body. Black tail with purple spikes, black hands and feet, and I noticed that my head phones glow purple instead of green. But, weren't my headphones broken? I thought. Thinking of what the endermen did to me to make me like this made chills run down my back. I threw my headphones away from me, but after it hit the ground, it appeared back on my head again.

"Oh, good," a voice said in my head.

I looked at the other side of the bars. He had an obisidian cape on, but I could still see his ribs. He also had horns sticking up from the two sides of his head. He was taller than any other endermen I've seen. He was staring right at me. I stared him back because I finally can. But, it felt as if he could burn my eyes because it stung. I closed my eyes and held it with my hands-oh, wait, paws.

"Yes, I know," it continued," It will sting for you newbies. But, I'm surprised that a baby dragon like you can hold the pain in that much."

"Baby dragon?" I asked and then, gasped. My voice completely changed. It was a bit cracking and deeper than my voice used to be.

The enderman chuckled. "It is also difficult for newborns to manage their voice and dragon instincts at first. I hope you can manage."

I continued to get my voice right. But, it would end up too deep, too high, or just cracking.

He laughed. "You can worry about that later. Since you are our successful experiment, we would like to teach you your new ways to live. Shall we begin?"

"Are you kidding me?" I asked with a high-pitched voice, "Why should I trust you? You guys made me go through a surgery awake and turn me into some kind of monster!"

"We knew that you were in trouble. Your friends were betraying you, not letting you in anymore. We are doing this because you are now our family. You belong with us eternally."

"My friends were just getting the wrong idea! I admit that it is my fault that I went crazy!" Deadlox, what are you doing? That was a complete lie, I thought. "I need to get out of here, now! And, get one of my friends to fix this mess and I'll apologize to my friends!"

"We gave you immortality! We gave you the power to have a connection with us! We gave you the power to look into our eyes! We gave you the ability to fly! We gave you the ability to read minds! We gave you the ability to teleport! What did we not provide you that your friends did?"

I don't know. Love? Attention? Hugs? Bananas? Though, not many of my friends gave me that.

"You can be with us," he said as he held out his stick-arm, "We'll be a great family together. And, one day, you and I will take over the world! Those puny mortals will have nothing against us! We will give you what you want after you cooperate with us!"

"I was never part of your family!" This time, my voice was deep," You guys just made me as a monster! This means nothing! I can ask a friend to change it easily! I have no blood relation with you!"

"Why do you think that you survived the surgery and no one else did? You have a hint of our blood! You used to be our enderdragon 100 years ago. Then, one of the old warriors came to this dimension to take your head as their trophy. Notch took pity on you and tried to transform you as a whole mortal. But, we barged in to take back what was ours. That delayed your mortal birth. We are here to take you back to your real family."

My real family? "Enough with this bullsh*t!" I charged and tried to push the bars away to make an opening, but it was too strong. I tried reaching for him, but I couldn't. I would teleport, but I don't know how to. I roared, "Let me go!"

He didn't flinch. He stared at me with his souless eyes. "You're going to stay in this cell until you learned your lesson. For now on, you will be taught by one of your cousins." And then, he turned around and disappeared.

I thought that I woouldnt see another enderman for the day, but an endermen with a spiky tail appeared right in front of me, holding a whip and a bucket.

"Oh no, you don't!" I growled and charged. It teleported. I looked around, then I found him\her, pouring water on my head. It burned so much that I collapsed.

"Ready to begin?" a feminine voice asked in my mind.

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