Chapter 15: First Test Hunt

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I was kicked onto the cold floor. Pain was taking over my back, probably full of cuts and bruises. I couldn't breathe well since the he kicked my ribs.

"I'm not a male!" the voice said in my head. She kicked me again and I puked up red-purple blood. I couldn't keep it in, so I cried. "You're such a baby!" she scorned.

"Leave me alone!" I managed to yell. I wanted to hold myself up since my ribs felt like it was broken, but I couldn't. I was too weak from the beating.

"Maybe a fresh bucket of water would help," she snickered and poured it all over my back.

I screamed.

She giggled, "I never knew you could scream like a mortal girl."

I couldn't see anything clearly anymore. Everything was blurry. I tried to stay awake, but I didn't want to feel any more pain. So, I gave up and closed my eyes, finally going to be free of this torture.

I finally opened my eyes. I couldn't see much, but I could tell that I was on the floor. I stayed still, listening for anything. Silence. That's all I heard. I pushed myself up, but pain struck me in my back. I groaned and fell onto the floor, on my face.
'Let this end!' I thought, making sure that they wouldn't hear me.

I took this opportunity to let tears roll down my cheeks, but I couldn't. I couldn't cry anymore. Instead, I want to break something. Bones. Skulls. Flesh. Animals. I... shouldn't, but this raging feeling in me is so unbearable.

"Time to let him out," I heard this deep voice in my head. I looked up to the bars. The endermen king and a soldier were standing besides the opened door. I pushed myself up and ran out the door.

I thought that I would outrun them, but after I blinked, we were in the wilderness. "Do whatever you want," he said.

I looked back, but they've already disappeared. I sucked in the fresh air that I was lacking of. Then, I smelled flesh. It was hiding behind a tree to my left. I ran to the spot and grabbed the animal. It was a pig. I smirked and dug my hand into its back. It squealed, giving music to my ears. I dug around its body, looking for the heart. As soon as I felt it, I grabbed it and yanked it out, killing the pig. I took a bite into it and ended up gobbling up the whole thing. I started to dig into the pig more. I left nothing, not even bones, on that spot. I had eaten the whole pig. But, I was hunger for more flesh. Thristy for more blood. I took a deep breath through my nose, sensing food everywhere.

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