Chapter 2: Party Time!!!!!

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There was a party at Bodil's server and all of us were invited. So, I ended up going there.

I spawned in front of Bodil's castle. It was pretty big, built with diamond, iron, emerald and budder blocks. Beacons shot orange lights up into the black sky.

I straightened my purple tux I wore for the party, since Bodil told us to dress fancy. I had my green tie fixed. Heh, the tie fits my headphones. I started to walk towards the entrance.

"Ty!" I heard a familiar voice calling my middle name.

I smiled as I watched her running towards me. She was wearing a simple white dress, but it looked like the hands of an angel made. Of course, any clothes she wears, it looks beautiful. It matched her curly blonde hair. And her heels clicked as she takes a step.

I opened my arms and welcomed her. It has been a long time since we've seen each other. I had to make her wait for the whole summer for me to be finished with a project I worked on. I missed her and her absense maked me cry.

"How are you?" I asked as we pulled away from each other.

"Good. But I missed you sooooooooooo much!" she answered.

"I missed you, too," I gave her a peck on the lips.

"Come on, she whined, " We havent seen each other for the whole summer and all you can give me is a hug and a peck?"

I chuckled and kissed her.

"Ewwww!" a Bulgarian voice shouted," Get a room, Deadlox!" He laughed, afterwards.

We broke the kiss and I looked at Bodil, who was laughing with Baki and Simon. "At least I have a girlfriend, Bodil!"

"Pfffft! Who needs a girlfriend when already I have Ashley to stalk?!" He continued to laugh with his Bulgarian friends.

"O-ho, guys, " a British accent voice came from the other side," I already have the BajanCanadian to stalk! I don't need anyone to stalk me, stalking him!"

I turned to look at her. Ashley had her brunette hair tied into a bun and she wore a short dark blue dress with black flats. She was pretty, but not pretty as my girlfriend, but I don't see the reason why the BajanCanadian don't recognize that.

We all laughed.

"Don't worry, Ashley. If Mitch doesn't want you, I'm always available!" Bodil shouted.

We all walk further into the shining palace. Sky, TrueMU, ASFJerome, HuskyMudkipz, and SSundee found us. When we got into the dining hall, we didn't sit. We just took the plates and the food we want and just hang around.

I was hanging around with the guys and Jocelyn and Ashley were hanging around with the girls.

"So, I was like, ♩ ~ Budder, budder! ~♩And Dawn was like 'Don't you f*cking dare!'" Sky explained with his best impression of his girlfriend.

I guess the girls were listening to our conversation because Dawn yelled," Cuz you suck!"( I know that they broke up and Sky has a new girlfriend, but Dawn has been in his videos a lot and she is funny.)

We laughed, even Sky.

It was night time and we all were out in Bodil's huge yard and we got to dance with music. There were many pop songs that came out. Sometimes, I would dance with the guys and some other times, dance with some girls and guys.

Then, Sky's voice was on the mic. "Hello. Can you hear me?"

Everyone became quiet.

"Thanks guys. I would like to dedicate this song to my amazing girlfriend, who would reject budder!"

We laughed for a bit.

"But I want to sing this song for Dawn. This one is called,'Hallelujah.'"

Who isn't surprised? He is in love with that song.

He started to sing.

'♩ ~ I heard there was a secret chord....That David played and it pleased the Lord...~ ♩"

The people surrounding the blushing Dawn started to push her towards her boyfriend. Dawn tried to resist, but many people started to push her. Even I pushed her. She ended up in front of all of us and sly had his hand out as he sang: "Your faith was strong, but you needed proof. You saw her bathing on the roof."

Of course, she took his hand. He rocked side to side with her in his arm. Then, we all decided to get a partner and dance.

I looked for Jocelyn, who was right next to me. It made me jump. "You scared me!"

She giggled as she put her hands on my shoulders. I placed my hands on her sides. We rocked sided to side, also.

"♩ ~ Hallelujah! Hallelujah.....hallelujah....hallelujah.....hallel-lu-uuu-uu-jah.... ~"

That's when Jocelyn's face came closer. I thought she was going to kiss me, so I leaned forward. But her face slides with mine and whispered," I'm so happy I met you, Ty."

I responded," I'm so lucky that I met you."

The song was over and everyone clapped and shouted.

Sky looked at Dawn and kissed her. Then, he said in the mic," Thank you! Thank you very much! And please, love budder!"

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