Chapter 18: Sylva

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I was introduced to my cousins and their parents. The King said that my parents died trying to search for me. The Minecraftians took their lives and held their heads and eggs as their trophies. It bothered me that I never got to see my real parents.

"Hi, Enderlox!" one enderman-dragon hybrid greeted. She was not related to me since she is not pure dragon.

Even though I am not a pure dragon, I am told that I used to be one. I guess being a hybrid is better since I was taught how to hide my dragon parts to disguise myself. I'm glad to find another hybrid though. I greeted back,"Hey, Sylva."

She's a really friendly hybrid. She was the only one that opened up to me first. On the other hand, the rest of the ender-breeds were uncomfortable around me. Sylva acts like a little sister. She loves to play, but my family doesn't want me to be around her since she's a lower class. Of course, I didn't listen to them since I don't understand why they ask me to ignore something nicer than themselves. "Let's fly!" she said as she spread her wings.

I spread my wings and followed her to the exit. I had trouble flying since I was new to it, so Sylva waited for me to flap my wings. She shouted encouraging words," Come on, Lox. You're almost off the ground. No pressure."

I focused hard to keep flapping my wings. Soon, I didn't feel my feet on the ground.

"You're doing it! You're doing it!" she exclaimed.

I slowly opened my eyes. I saw the ground, farther than what I've done for the last month, 6 blocks. I laughed with joy, and then felt so much pressure on my butt. "Ow!" I murmured.

Sylva giggled. "I told you to concentrate."

"I was!" I yelled.

"Calm down. You'll get it... someday."

"That someday shall be today!" I focused on flapping my wings again. I told myself," Flap. Flap. Flap. Flap."

"Maybe we should try it again next time," Sylva suggested after many failed attempts to fly.

"Are you giving up on me?" I joked as I stopped concentrating.

She giggled, "Maybe."

My stomach growled pretty loudly. My stomach usually growls softer, but since I an a dragon, it demanded so much. She giggled again. "Are you starving yourself?"

"No!" If I was still a human, I would be blushing. "My stomach just hates me."

"It's not lunch yet, so let's go hunt!"

It looks like Sylva doesn't know about my insane hunting skills.

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