Chapter 32: Normal?

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I was sitting besides Jocelyn, holding her hand. She was just sleeping. She needed rest. She woke up a week ago. I was glad that she was okay. It made me smile again.

As for "Enderlox," he was deeply suffering. He lost the girl of his life, and he can't do anything anymore. He was very weak and never reached out to control my body. I heard faint cries from time to time. He kept on whispering, "I'm sorry."

So am I, Enderlox. And, I'm also sorry for your lost. I couldn't imagine what you're going through as my girl is right in front of me, resting.


"Ty?" Jocelyn called.

I whispered, "Yeah?"

"Promise me that we'll be a normal couple again."

"I promise. I won't leave you again." I kissed her forehead.

She gave me a smile and dozed off.

~End of flashback~

That moment ran through my head, like I was replaying a scene in a movie many times. I smiled, but I had an uneasy feeling about being "normal" again. I don't know how to be that anymore. After all the deaths I've caused and seen, I would do anything to not see them: Sylva's sacrifice, Seto's death, the torture they put me through, the squealing of the animals, the cries of the girl victims, the feeling of flesh crushing under my feet. They popped up in my mind randomly, and they hit me hard.

But, my motivation is lying right in front of me. It's still alive. And, she forgives me. Once she's out of the hospital, we'll be back home and normal again. She told me that we can do this one step at a time. I couldn't wait.

It was two weeks from her release, and we were chilling at home. I was happy, holding Jocelyn in my arms. She was sleeping like the recovering from the hospital wasn't enough. I chuckled as I played with her beautiful blonde hair.

I'm back to where I was months ago. And, I was grateful for it. I was happy for being normal again. But, I still couldn't play with Sky and the others. Dawn informed me that Sky wasn't having it. He didn't want us to see each other. I wished that I could have some people to start socializing again, but for right now, this would do.

"Ty?" she whispered.


"Dawn told me that we should tag along with them to go to a little club underground."



"I remembered the last dance we went to."

"Yeah. It was fun. So do you want to go?"

"I don't think it'll hurt."

"I'll tell her." She jumped out of bed and took out her laptop.

I askd,"When is it?"


"Sounds exciting."

"Put more enthusiasm in there."

I repeated, sarcastically,"That sounds really fun!"

She laughed. I wrapped my arms around her and planted a kiss on her forehead.

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