Chapter 31: No Turning Back

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He pulled the spear out of her, slowly. She collapsed. Although I was still in control, the inner self raged in me. I kicked the King down to the ground. "Long live the King," I whispered and crushed his skull.

I laid Jocelyn down next to me. I sat next to the bleeding body. I turned her over. She was barely breathing.

Sylva. No, my babe! This panicking and crying voice echoed through my mind.

"Y-you-h got to g-et her back... before time runs out," she squeak.

"Bu-" the deep voice came out of my mouth. Cold tears were running down my cheeks.

"No... time. I-m sorry." And just like that, her head turned to the floor, giving up. Her body was replaced by tiny white glittering balls and they sunk into the ground.

"Dude, we gotta go. My girlfriend is dying," I told "Enderlox."

I don't care. My girl's dead. Let her die.

"You understand the pain. Do you want anyone else to feel it?"

Everyone should know how it feels.

"And yet, you left her a long time ago."

She saved us! Give her a break!

"We can come back for her. Right now, Jocelyn's dying. Do this for me. I tried saving your girl many times."

There was no response. I could control my body again. I picked up turned around to pick up a thin, pale body. I thought about the overworld.

I opened my eyes. I was back next to the river. I couldn't really morph into something small since I'm carrying my girlfriend. My wings won't work since it got stabbed. I had to turn into a human and walk.

"Deadlox!" I heard Dawn. She was running towards me from the town. "What happened?"

"No time to explain. Jocelyn needs help" I managed to say. My body felt like it was burning and my blood was gasoline. I held Jocelyn out to Dawn. "Take her. I can't go any farther."

"You need help, too!" She took the limp body in her arms. "Come with me. "

Reaching to the hospital, we took a car. The ambulance wasn't available since it went missing for some reason. Dawn was driving as I was in the back seat, holding Jocelyn.

When we reached there, Dawn picked up Jocelyn and ranbintk the hospital shouting for help. I struggled behind. The doctors came to me and laid me down on a bed. They treated the wounds, but I still had more hiding in my wings. I couldn't reveal it to them, though it hurted so much.

I asked them if Jocelyn was okay, but they didn't have an answer.

Dawn came by after the day I came to tell me that Jocelyn was okay. She's still unconcious, but she was expected to wake up in ten days.

"I'm going to be released tomorrow. And I have nowhere to go," I told Dawn.

"You still have your house."

"And no one knows that I am her boyfriend. They'll probably think that I stole her house or something."

"Can't you just show yourself?"

"Doesn't the whole town know that I'm this person?"

"Can't you teleport to another server?"

"I'm part mob. I can't anymore."

"Just wait until she's released."

"You said shell wake up in ten days. It might as well take a half a month for me to get home."

"Stay at my house."

"I can't. Sky doesn't know about this, does he?"

"He doesn't. But, I'm sure that he'll forgive you. I did."

"You know Sky's not like that."

"So, now what?"

"I don't know. I'm probably stuck like this unless I dye my hair, get new headphones and clothes, and contact lenses."

"Do you really want to b back with us?"

"Yeah. After what I've been through, I want to be normal again. But, I don't know about the other me. And, going back into the wilderness wouldn't help."

"What happened?"

I explained her the whole story. The rape part of it was awkward to talk about, but it wasn't me who did it. I didn't want to leave any part of it out. I needed to lift everything from my shoulders.

"Oh my god!" that was her response. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Yeah. And, I don't want to go back."

"I'm sorry that I overreacted."

"I can't blame you. I became crazy."

"I'm sure Sky would let you back if he knew the truth."

"It'll take time to get in in his head."

"Give it a try."

I sighed. "Well, what do I have to lose besides Jocelyn?"

"You know that he'll never hurt her."

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